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I added a stubby version of (∞,1)-comparison lemma with a version by Hoyois. We should also have pages for the (∞,1)-versions of comorphism of sites and morphism of sites.
I was wondering if there’s any useful generalization not requiring a lot of pullbacks to exist in the (∞,1)-sites? Of course, we have to be careful as this discussion shows.
Is there some property of an (∞,1)-site that guarantees that the sheaf topos has finite homotopy dimension, and could we combine such a property with the usual comparison lemma to get a different, general (∞,1)-comparison lemma?
I made a few adjustments (in particular a locally small assumption on D is missing from the published version of my paper).
I never found a useful generalization that does not assume existence of some pullbacks. For example there are obvious formulations of a and c that do not require pullbacks (let’s assume D small for simplicity): a. for every τ-sieve U→X, aρu!(U→X) is an equivalence; c. for every X∈D, its image in Shvρ(D) belongs to the smallest subcategory generated by the image of C under colimits. Then a+b+c are necessary and sufficient for the conclusion of the lemma. Condition a is also what the definition of “continuous functor” should be in the (∞,1)-context (b is of course the definition of “cocontinuous functor”).
Cross-linked to dense subsite.
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