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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorkyod
    • CommentTimeNov 1st 2018

    Definition of extensional PiPi-type structure taken from Natural models of homotopy type theory

    Should we develop how to get application, β\beta and η\eta here or should we leave it to the interpretation ?

    v1, current

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeNov 1st 2018

    I think it would be best to give the definitions of this structure in as close a manner as possible to what we’ll want for the interpretation.

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorAli Caglayan
    • CommentTimeNov 1st 2018

    Im finding this hard to parse, its the same problem with Awodey’s paper too. Is this a difficult concept to grasp or to parse?

    • CommentRowNumber4.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeNov 1st 2018

    It makes somewhat more sense when expressed in the internal extensional type theory of [C op,Set][C^{op},Set].

    • CommentRowNumber5.
    • CommentAuthormaxsnew
    • CommentTimeNov 1st 2018

    It helped me to first take Proposition 5 in Awodey as the definition of the operation Π-^{\Pi}, and then revisit the concrete description as a polynomial functor.

    That is that for a preasheaf XX on CC, X ΠX^{\Pi} is given on objects by X Π(Γ)=Σ A:Ty(Γ)X(Γ,A)X^{\Pi}(\Gamma) = \Sigma_{A : Ty(\Gamma)} X(\Gamma, A), i.e., it is the presheaf of “XXs in an extended context”. Then the typing of Π\Pi and λ\lambda make a lot of sense and unwinding the pullback tells you that λ\lambda has Π\Pi type plus the β,η\beta,\eta laws.

    • CommentRowNumber6.
    • CommentAuthorkyod
    • CommentTimeNov 2nd 2018

    Re #2 I think it matches rather closely :

    For instance if TT is a Π\Pi-type Π(x:A).B\Pi(x:A).B, then by inductive hypothesis, [[A]] type V:Tm VTy[\![A]\!]_{type}^V : Tm^V \rightharpoonup Ty, wlog. we can pick xx fresh for VV, that is xVx \notin V and [[B]] type V{x}:Tm V{x}Ty[\![B]\!]_{type}^{V\cup\{x\}} : Tm^{V \cup \{x\}} \rightharpoonup Ty. By restricting the domain of [[B]] type V{x}[\![B]\!]_{type}^{V\cup\{x\}} and currying we get F:Tm VTy 𝒜F : Tm^V \rightharpoonup Ty^\mathcal{A} where 𝒜\mathcal{A} is the fiber of [[A]] type V[\![A]\!]_{type}^V along of:TmTyof : Tm \to Ty (when this makes sense, FF being undefined otherwise). Then

    [[Π(x:A).B]] type V=Π[[A]] type V,F:Tm VTy[\![\Pi(x:A).B]\!]_{type}^{V} = \Pi \circ \langle [\![A]\!]_{type}^V, F\rangle : Tm^V \rightharpoonup Ty

    I think it also works rather well for λ\lambda and AppApp, my only problem before starting to write the partial interpretation is that I have trouble with writing down a more precise definition of FF above.

    • CommentRowNumber7.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeNov 2nd 2018

    Yes, it’s pretty close, but I think it would match even more closely if we state the categorical definition using application and abstraction morphisms. E.g. I’m thinking of translating Definition of the local universes paper into the language of [C op,Set][C^{op},Set].

    • CommentRowNumber8.
    • CommentAuthorkyod
    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2018

    Reformulating Ty ΠTy^\Pi and Tm ΠTm^\Pi using @maxsnew version that seems more understandable.

    Re #7 I looked at the definition in that paper but I couldn’t come up with something that seemed better than the current one. Also I have the impression that providing a natural transformation for application correspond to giving eagerly the denotation of $Γ,x:A,f:Π(x:A)BApp x:A.B(f,x):B\Gamma, x:A, f : \Pi(x:A)B \vdash App^{x:A.B}(f, x) : B$

    diff, v2, current

    • CommentRowNumber9.
    • CommentAuthorAli Caglayan
    • CommentTimeDec 22nd 2018
    • (edited Dec 22nd 2018)

    How can this be phrased talking about the category of elements? This is some very confusing category theory.

    If I am understanding correctly the functor P Π:[C op,Set][C op,Set]P^\Pi : [C^op,Set] \to [C^op,Set] is the composition of three functors. Firstly we have the pullback along Tm1Tm \to 1 usually denoted Tm *Tm^*, then we have the right adjoint to pullback along ofof, which I will call of\prod_of and finally composition along Ty1Ty \to 1 giving us our functor P ΠP^\Pi. Then the Π\Pi-structure on a CwF is two maps λ\lambda and Π\Pi that satisfy the square.