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The page on inductive-inductive types refers to dialgebras without specifying them. Having a short page as some sort of reference is helpful.
In the recent nLab discussions on quantum modal logic, wasn’t the need for some construction like a dialgebra, F(x)→G(x), expressed?
Or was it perhaps to what would be the morphisms in the Kleisli set-up, F(x)→G(y)? Perhaps a ’diKleisli morphism’?
I ended up not seeming to have use for it after all, but a couple (literally) of references on the “two-sided Kleisli category” are since being referenced there.
I haven’t thought about relating this to di-morphisms, but it seems suggestive.
Added a reference
A dialgebraic account of labeled transition systems is in
- Fabrizio Montesi, Marco Peressotti, Linear Logic, the π-calculus, and their Metatheory: A Recipe for Proofs as Processes (arXiv:2106.11818)
And also
One more
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