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There has been some discussion in another thread about the scope of Online Resources. We all know that actual spam should be removed, but what about the links added individually by real human beings? Some of these are not appropriate either. I think that Zoran's idea of two lists, one wide and one narrow, is particularly important.
If you want a focused list, it is just couple square brackets away. For maintaining the quality of the existing list, I might suggest adding a sentence or two along the lines: "To maintain the quality of this page, we may remove new entries if they do contain a clear explanation as to why the resource is of relevance to readers of the nLab." If someone who is not otherwise participating on the nLab drops nothing but a link without an explanation, we will just remove it even if it is legitimate. A brief explanation is the least we should expect for new resources.
I added a note (feel free to remove it if you don't like it) about maintaining the quality of the list.
Also moved the Forums section to the top to more prominently highly MathOverflow and this forum of course :)
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