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added pointer to:
added pointer to last week’s
added basic pointers to realization of flavour physics in intersecting D-brane models:
geometric engineering of flavour physics in intersecting D-brane models (AdS/QCD) was originally understood in
and then developed in detail for QCD in the Sakai-Sugimoto model:
Tadakatsu Sakai, Shigeki Sugimoto, Low energy hadron physics in holographic QCD, Prog.Theor.Phys.113:843-882, 2005 (arXiv:hep-th/0412141)
Tadakatsu Sakai, Shigeki Sugimoto, More on a holographic dual of QCD, Prog.Theor.Phys.114:1083-1118, 2005 (arXiv:hep-th/0507073)
added a Properties-section with mentioning of a) flavour anomalies and b) geometric engineering of flavour by D8-branes.
But the entry still remains a stub.
added pointer to further lecture notes:
Yuval Grossman, Introduction to flavor physics, CERN Yellow Report CERN-2010-002, pp. 111-144 (arXiv:1006.3534)
Yuval Grossman, Philip Tanedo, Just a Taste: Lectures on Flavor Physics, Chapter 4 in: Anticipating the Next Discoveries in Particle Physics (TASI 2016) (arXiv:1711.03624, doi:10.1142/9789813233348_0004)
I was looking for an introductory reference to flavor physics that one could point to with a straight face (most of the Lecture notes collected in the entry forget to introduce their reader to the subject…).
Now I finally found one:
But it’s an author-less and title-less and home-less document (truncating its URL to identify the author just gives Forbidden errors).
Googling for sentences from within the document shows there is text overlap with the introduction of
But it’s a small overlap, just on the first two dozen of lines.
So if anyone knows or finds out author/title/date/publication of webhome.weizmann.ac.il/home/yotams/notes/ep1_flavor.pdf, let’s add that iunformation
added pointer to today’s
am adding references on “The flavor problem”, such as this nice set of slides:
this exposition here is really good:
added this slide from Altmannshofer 14
So what appears in the ’Higgs potential’, V(ϕ), in what you take from Isidori 16 includes what Altmannshofer 14 has as separate from his V(ϕ), appearing in the ’flavor sector’?
Yes, that’s right. Isidori’s slides collect all terms with a Higgs factor under “flavor sector”, while Altmannshofer’s slides split this further into the pure Higgs terms and those involving fermion factors, labelling only the latter as “flavor sector”.
On the one hand, the Higgs is not itself flavored, on the other hand the Higgs coupling between flavors is what makes the latter interesting. So both perspectives make sense.
But with Isidori’s convention all the terms that are related to problems/puzzles with the standard model are collected together. Which seems suggestive.
I see that, while Isidori’s slide shows all Higgs terms, it actually labels the flavor sector just as Altmannshofer does. So I have reworded a little, as follows:
(Note that Isidori’s slides collect all terms with a Higgs boson factor, including the pure Higgs terms reflecting the cosmological constant and the hierarchy problem, and hence “all the problematic terms”, while the flavor sector proper consists of those terms involving Higgs and quark factors.)
added this pointer on the flavor problem in the MSSM:
added also this sentence:
Finally, due to confinement, the flavor-changing transitions between quarks are not seen in isolation by collider experiments, but are only seen via the induced decays of the mesons and/or baryons that the quarks are bound in. This way the flavor problem is tied to the confinement problem and hence to the problem of formulating QCD non-perturbatively (e.g. via AdS/QCD).
added pointer to today’s
added pointer to today’s
added pointer to today’s:
added pointer to this recent talk:
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