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Added another chapter, by Wickelgren and Williams on Unstable Motivic Homotopy Theory.
Added today’s
Added todays’
- David Gepner, An Introduction to Higher Categorical Algebra, (arXiv:1907.02904)
Added today’s
- Gijs Heuts, Lie algebra models for unstable homotopy theory, (arXiv:1907.13055)
Reordered list of contributions to match the contents page, and added a few more arXiv links I found in the process. Only three of the chapters are not available online, and only two of those online are non-arXiv. All the chapters are listed here, whether or not they are electronically available.
Added new arXiv link
Paul Balmer, A guide to tensor-triangular classification, (arXiv:1912.08963)
Added today’s arXiv link for Tyler Lawson, En-ring spectra and Dyer-Lashof operations. It’s not clear how different this is to the version available on Lawson’s webpage, so I left that link too.
Added new arXiv link for
Gunnar Carlsson, Persistent homology and applied homotopy theory (arXiv:2004.00738)
A curious fact: the publication of this handbook could be considered the “official point” at which (most of) algebraic topology got renamed as homotopy theory. Haynes Miller writes about this in the introduction:
This volume may be regarded as a successor to the “Handbook of Algebraic Topology,” edited by Ioan James and published a quarter of a century ago. In calling it the “Handbook of Homotopy Theory,” I am recognizing that the discipline has expanded and deepened, and traditional questions of topology, as classically understood, are now only one of many distinct mathematical disciplines in which it has had a profound impact and which serve as sources of motivation for research directions within homotopy theory proper.
Although one could also point to Clark Barwick’s August 2017 manifesto “The future of homotopy theory”: https://ncatlab.org/nlab/files/BarwickFutureOfHomotopyTheory.pdf as another “official renaming point”.
Hi Dmitri,
this comment is worthwhile to include in the entry itself!
have added the publication data (CRC Press 2019, ISBN:9780815369707)
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