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I don’t recall the policy or precedents for general readers (like first-year grad students) to create pages for themselves here. Does anyone?
It would be justifiable in cases of people who have made significant contributions to the nLab, but I’m not aware that’s the case here. After all, the nLab costs money to run; it’s not a free portal.
Established practice is that as soon as a name appears on the nLab, as an author of a page or as an author of a reference, it deserves to be hyperlinked. And the best way to avoid link rot of such hyperlinks is to make them go to nLab pages for that name, which then in turn point to wherever they need to point to.
Now Ben Brown hasn’t made all that many edits yet, but he did fix two typos at holomorphic vector bundle – rev 17. That makes his name appear in the history pages, such as here, and until recently it appeared there in the form of a broken link. Now that he created a page for his name, the link works.
So I think this is good practice.
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