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there were no references here. I have added one:
added pointer to the newly recovered note:
I do not understand the qualifier “in increasing information” from pretriangulated dg-categories or pretriangulated A-∞-categories to stable (∞, 1)-categories. Isn’t it that in characteristic 0, pretriangulated dg-categories correspond to a full (infinity,1)-subcategory of all stable (infinity,1)-categories ? I do not see any lost information.
You are probably referring to the sentence here. That sentence, together with the paragraph around it, seems to have been added by Adeel in rev 15 (Aug 2014).
I suppose that the “increasing information” in this list refers to how the hom-∞-groupoids become more and more explicit as one proceeds down the list.
Since the hom-∞-groupoids is the enhancement that give the notion of enhanced triangulated categories its name, it makes good sense to bring this out. But there is certainly room for adding further clarification on this point to the entyr.
Yes, it is that sentence. Thanks. Though I should admit I did not fully understand the rest of your answer.
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