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added to coalgebra for an endofunctor the example of the real line as the terminal coalgebra for some endofunctor on Posets.
There are more such characterizations of the real line, and similar. I can't dig them out right now as I am on a shky connection. But maybe somebody else can. Or I'll do it later.
I added the clause "where the right side is given the dictionary order, not the usual product order". Also added Freyd's characterization of the closed interval.
Would it be possible (i.e. quick) for someone to give some more details of the examples perhaps by creating new entries about some, at least of them. This might make the entry more useful. I have seen some of this stuff but am not sure of references. (If pushed I can dig around a bit, but am no expert so am hoping for some help at least on some of them as I want to look at generic Trace Semantics which is a form of coinduction.)
I have started deterministic automaton as an example for coalgebra for an endofunctor. The plan is to give other examples…. and hopefully some endofunctor interpretations for higher dimensional automata … if such exist.
Added an entry non-deterministic automata. Please check for errors. (I am using Bart Jacobs draft book as a source.)
By the way, Tim, you’re not writing the definition environments correctly. You need underscores, not hyphens, and must use all 6 hash-marks (else the Javascript doesn’t kick in).
I was sort of wondering about the mechanism. I will fix it. (Edit: I see you have already done it! Thanks)
Yeah, just copy my example. (^_^)
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