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started some minimum, prodded by the suggestion in today’s replacement
that leptoquarks could not only explain the flavour anomalies but also the anomalous events seen last year by the ANITA experiment
With the capacity to account for the muon anomaly too, it’s pointing to a case of Whewell’s consilience.
Sure, and for the gμ−2-anomaly, too:
Martin Bauer, Matthias Neubert, One Leptoquark to Rule Them All: A Minimal Explanation for RD(*), RK and (g−2)μ, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 141802 (2016) (arXiv:1511.01900)
Estefania Coluccio Leskow, Andreas Crivellin, Giancarlo D’Ambrosio, Dario Müller, (g−2)μ, Lepton Flavour Violation and Z Decays with Leptoquarks: Correlations and Future Prospects, Phys. Rev. D 95, 055018 (2017) (arXiv:1612.06858)
Adam Falkowski, Leptoquarks strike back, November 2017
But one has to be careful, as there are different kinds of leptoquarks (scalar, vector, charged here, charged there)
added pointer to
and to
added pointer to today’s
I have a student in my philosophy of science class who has become interested in this experiment. She was thinking through the effects of neutrino observation on theory, the solar neutrino ones meaning the assignment of mass, and now this ANITA and its possible implications, leptoquarks or whatever.
Would it be reasonable to compare the sizes of these changes, so that where assigning mass to neutrinos is more a case of parameter adjustment, leptoquarks would constitute a more radical revision of the Standard Model? Or is that to underplay the former?
You may want to check with a dedicated particle/neutrino physics expert, since it’s a technical subject.
But broadly speaking the neutrino mass problem is just as “radical” a revision of the foundations of the standard model – it’s just easier to parametrize in an ad hoc fashion. In fact, the most popular solution strategy, via the see-saw mechanism, points (decent quick review in Mohapatra 06) to the GUT scenario that would also imply leptoquarks.
In Mohapatra 06 and Xing 19 is also amplification of the relation of the neutrino mass problem to the general flavor problem, which is aruably the one big glaring open problem that particle physics is facing. I wouldn’t be surprised (but check with your particle physics expert) if neutrino masses and flavor anomalies all fall into place once that big missing chunk of fundamental physics hiding behind the “flavor problem” reveals itself.
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