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Eric’s CNRS Research Proposal is an interesting read. A couple of items I’d like to hear more about:
the terminal example of a polynomial monad turns out to be quite interesting: it is the universe Type of type theory itself, equipped with the operation of dependent sum Σ. (p. 8)
any dependent family P:X→Type can be used to generate a left exact modality in type theory. (p. 13)
It seems that first point is along the lines of the section polynomial monad: Relation to object classifiers.
@David the second point is Theorem 3.10 in arXiv:1706.07526.
Edit: No its not.
Ah OK, thanks.
No it’s not! It’s http://mathieu.anel.free.fr/mat/doc/Anel-LexLocalizations.pdf.
I see. So it’s about describing (∞,1)-toposes via presentations rather than sites (slide 69).
PSp [parameterized spectra] is arguably the main protagonist of ∞-topos theory (slide 20)
is a bold claim.
I see Mathieu in now based in Philosophy at CMU, and has some interesting reflections at his site.
has some interesting reflections at his site
I don’t think I’ve seen the following before!
Verdier duality, which is measure theory on topoi.
it’s about describing (∞,1)-toposes via presentations rather than sites
That’s one way of saying it. Another way to say it is that they’ve finally found the correct ∞-categorical notion of “site”.
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