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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2019

    I am having trouble understanding the proof of Propositions in Higher Topos Theory. After the displayed cartesian rectangle, he says “Since colimits are universal, we conclude that ZZ' is a coproduct of objects Z α=X α× Y αZZ_\alpha' = X_\alpha \times_{Y_\alpha} Z, where α\alpha ranges over A 0A_0.” But I don’t even see a morphism ZY αZ\to Y_\alpha that we could use to form this pullback; all we have is a morphism ZY A 0Z\to Y_{A_0}. Can anyone help?

    diff, v4, current

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2019

    I also don’t understand the treatment of cardinalties. The statement of the proposition says “if κ\kappa is sufficently large”, which generally means “there exists a λ\lambda such that for all κ>λ\kappa\gt\lambda”. However, the proof proceeds by letting κ\kappa' be such that 𝒳\mathcal{X} is locally κ\kappa'-presentable, letting κ>κ\kappa''\gt\kappa' be such that pullbacks preserve κ\kappa''-filtered colimits, and letting κκ\kappa\ge\kappa'' be such that pullbacks of κ\kappa''-compact objects are κ\kappa-compact, and concluding that κ\kappa-compact objects are stable under pullbacks. Firstly I don’t see why this construction as stated guarantees that any sufficiently large κ\kappa will work. And secondly I don’t see why this construction is sufficient to ensure that κ\kappa-compact objects are stable under pullbacks; for instance, Proposition shows that τ\tau-compact objects are stable under κ\kappa-small limits not for all sufficiently τ\tau but only when τκ\tau \gg \kappa.