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added more details to cotangent complex
Seeing the discussion of cotangents over here, I was wondering what the connection to cotangent complex is. Connections are made in both directions from cotangent complex to Kähler differential, but there’s no link either way to cotangent bundle, which is the target for cotangent vector/space.
So what could be added? I see from this MO answer
The first example of a cotangent complex is that of a smooth S-scheme X. Then the cotangent complex in this case is just the cotangent bundle ΩX/S.
The cotangent sheaf/bundle is the geometric version of the module of Kahler differentials. The Cotangent complex is the derived version. The statement about smooth relative schemes having the cotangent complex concentrated in degree 0 arises from the lifting property, and smoothness means there are no higher-dimensional obstructions if you unravel the definitions. Unramifiedness means that the Kahler differentials vanish, and together (etale), they imply a unique lifting, so the cotangent complex (homotopically) vanishes.
Thanks. This would be more useful to the world placed in the relevant entry, if it could be made to fit in.
Here’s an interesting question that I haven’t seen answered but surely has a well-known answer: Can you glue “the” (i.e. representatives of) cotangent complexes of open affines together to form a representative of the global cotangent complex on a general scheme? Because the cotangent complex is a homotopical object, it isn’t obvious to me that it needs to satisfy the glueing condition strictly.
In particular, for a map S→T of schemes and an atlas of open affines {Spec(Ui)→S}, if you take the cotangent Ui module to be the simplicial Ui-module corepresenting
Der𝒪S(¯Ui,−)where ¯Ui is the bar construction on Ui (see André), do the associated quasicoherent simplicial sheaves 𝕃ΩUi/T on Spec(Ui) glue together to the cotangent complex 𝕃ΩS/T
Also, another question: Is the construction strictly local on the base, or only after passing to derived categories? If not the bar construction, are there any constructions that can be glued strictly and/or are local on the base?
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