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I treid to clean up Whitehead tower a bit:
I rewrote and expanded the Idea/Definition part.
Then I moved David Roberts' material that was there to the appropriate section at the new Whitehead tower in an (infinity,1)-topos. (There I tried to add some introductory remarks to it but will try to further highlight David's results here in a moment).
At Whitehead tower I left just a new section that says that there is a notion of Whitehead towers in more general contexts with a pointer to Whitehead tower in an (infinity,1)-topos
I have added at Whitehead tower in the Examples-section Whitehead tower of the orthogonal group a big diagram giving more details on the statement that was indicated there earlier: horizontally running the Postnikov tower, vertically the Whitehead tower, and diagonally the homotopy groups.
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