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am taking the liberty of adding pointer to
Well, from a cursory look, there aren’t too many other references to choose. Cruikshank’s thesis has a relevant Chap. 7, perhaps the source for the entry included in cohomotopy
I think that’s just the stable version.
Thanks. I have added the pointer.
added statement of one form of what we like to call the “twisted Pontrjagin-Thom theorem”, currently it reads as follows:
Xn be a closed manifold of dimension n;
1≤k∈ℕ a positive natural number.
Then the scanning map constitutes a weak homotopy equivalence
Maps/BO(n)(Xn,Sndef+ktriv⫽O(n))aJ-twisted Cohomotopy spacescanning map⟵≃Conf(Xn,Sk)aconfiguration spaceof pointsbetween
the J-twisted (n+k)-Cohomotopy space of Xn, hence the space of sections of the (n+k)-spherical fibration over X which is associated via the tangent bundle by the O(n)-action on Sn+k=S(ℝn×ℝk+1)
the configuration space of points on Xn with labels in Sk.
added pointer to
Soren Galatius, Theorem 6.3 in: Stable homology of automorphism groups of free groups (arXiv:0610216)
Oscar Randal-Williams, Embedded Cobordism Categories and Spaces of Manifolds, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2011, no. 3, 572-608 (arXiv:0912.2505)
Also took the liberty of adding pointer to
The section titled “Twisted Pontrjagin-Thom theorem” really talked about the “May-Segal theorem” (i.e. the negative codimension version which gives configuration spaces of points, here).
I have now instead added a brief pointer to twisted Pontrjagin theorem and gave the previous material a new header “Twisted May-Segal theorem”.
I should really create an entry May-Segal theorem (as it’s somewhat buried at configuration space of points). But not right now.
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