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added pointer to:
I feel this is an odd title for a page. “Map/element/class of Hopf invariant one” would be a noun phrase, but what is there is an odd fragment. Even “Hopf invariant one problem” would almost fit.
added pointer to:
I suppose you mean the items
John F. Adams, On the non-existence of elements of Hopf invariant one, Ann. Math. 72 1 (1960) 20-104 [jstor:1970147]
John F. Adams, Section 8 of: On the groups J(X) IV, Topology 5 21 (1966) [pdf, doi:10.1016/0040-9383(66)90004-8]
They are rendered fine on my system (I just made some formatting adjustments).
What is it you see on your system? You are saying these two items don’t appear, but the following text is?
(I know there is a bug which causes all code after a certain character string to not render. But I am not aware of a bug that makes select paragraphs not appear.)
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