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Added a reference
thanks, hadn’t seen that (and it seems unpublished?) BTW, we do have an entry for Yang-Hui He
I added a link to an associated talk by Wilson.
He ends with applications:
Perhaps this gives us a better understanding of why the Leech lattice exists.
Perhaps it will give us new ways to prove important properties of the Leech lattice and the Conway group.
Perhaps we can use octonions to simplify the construction of the Monster.
Perhaps it will explain the ‘2-local group’ BDI(4) which contains Co3 and looks as though it should be some kind of twist of ‘skew-symmetric 3×3 matrices over octonions’
Could one dare to hope that growing the superpoint ℝ0|3 could make contact with these things?
added pointer to
prodded by today’s
Haven’t absorbed either yet. But if these hold water, I should.
added publication data for this item:
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