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added pointer to today’s
Though I haven’t actually absorbed this yet.
I see they reference the paper by Hisham I added in #1.
Thanks for the alert. I have fixed the formatting of 𝕆P2 in the entry.
a natural map of the conjectured “bosonic M-theory” of Horowitz and Susskind in 26 + 1 down to M-theory in 10 + 1.
So what’s the inverse image of twisted cohomotopy?
What do you mean? Do you mean the kernel of the map from Cohomotopy to K-theory?
I haven’t read what they’re saying closely enough, but since they were talking about a chain of reductions generating a map from bosonic M-theory to ordinary M-theory, aspects of the latter may appear as reductions of the former, e.g., the C-field may have its preimage in bosonic M-theory.
I see a brief mention of the bosonic case appears in Hisham and Daniel’s recent arXiv:2001.07640 (p. 16). The octonionic Hopf fibration has to figure somewhere.
By the way, Urs, you could pass on that there’s a typo on p. 15,
in this case we get that degree 5 cohomotopy gives a contribution to cohomology in higher degree,
should be degree 4.
Thanks! Will do.
I have expanded this list of references here and completed the publication data:
Hisham Sati, 𝕆P2 bundles in M-theory, Commun. Num. Theor. Phys 3:495-530,2009 (arXiv:0807.4899)
Hisham Sati, On the geometry of the supermultiplet in M-theory, Int. J. Geom. Meth. Mod. Phys. 8 (2011) 1-33 (arXiv:0909.4737)
Michael Rios, Alessio Marrani, David Chester, Exceptional Super Yang-Mills in D=27+3 and Worldvolume M-Theory, Phys. Lett. B, 808, (2020) (arXiv:1906.10709)
Will record this also at Cayley plane now.
added publication data for:
Added pointer to today’s
and its precursor
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