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Thanks, Sam. The definition I wrote comes from the lecture notes of Stephen Simpson that I put in the references.
Let’s see: if A0(m)=m+1, then I seem to get A1(m)=Am0(1)=m+1 as well. So maybe those other references use a slightly different recursive rule?
Incidentally, my understanding of the fact that Ackermann is not definable in the free category with products and a natural numbers object, but is definable in the free ccc with a natural numbers object, is that the former category contains functions with termination ordinal <ωω, whereas the latter contains functions with termination ordinal <ε0. (In the sense of ordinal analysis.)
Yes, thanks. I don’t know if you looked carefully at the nLab article, but I did record a detailed proof there that Ackermann cannot live in the standard category whose objects are finite powers ℕn in Set and whose morphisms are primitive recursive maps between them. If it lived in the initial category with products and a parametrized NNO, then you could transfer it along the product-preserving map over to the standard category. Meanwhile, at the Café I explicitly wrote down a definition of Ackermann in the free CCC with NNO, which I assume you saw (because otherwise, it’d be quite a coincidence that you started this thread just now), but in case not, it’s here.
Meanwhile, I’ve added another Café comment here.
Sorry, yes, I came from the café, and your nice definition of Ackermann in the free ccc! That was indeed the context of my comment #4, which should perhaps have gone on the cafe instead.
I think the claim (here) that partial recursive functions give a Lawvere theory is incorrect, as the cartesian product ℕk is not the product in any category whose objects are finite powers of ℕ and whose morphisms are some class of partial functions closed under composition and including projections and diagonals. There is a unique partial function ℕm→ℕk+l induced from a pair of partial functions ℕm→ℕk and ℕm→ℕl, but the usual triangles don’t commute! The cartesian product here is only a ’restriction product’, namely a lax product in the locally posetal 2-category determined by the given category of partial functions.
Since the primitive recursive functions are total and include projections, that’s not a problem.
I’m not sure what I want to put in place of the current statement: a disclaimer? an explanation of what goes wrong? An attempt at outlining a generalisation of a Lawvere theory?
Interesting point. I notice, though, that the claim as stated only says that
a morphism k→1 of the Lawvere theory is a function ℕk→ℕ1 belonging to the class [of partial recursive functions]
whereas you seem to be objecting to a version of this statement with k replaced by an arbitrary n. It seems to me that we would get a Lawvere theory if we take this statement as written, only applying to the morphisms k→1, and then define the morphisms k→n to be what they have to be to make it a Lawvere theory, namely n-tuples of partial recursive functions ℕk→ℕ1 — which, as you note, are not the same as single partial recursive functions ℕk→ℕn.
Put differently, partial recursive functions “naturally” form a cartesian operad, which we can then make into its equivalent Lawvere theory.
Oh, I see, defining the problem away! Neat. (I think you mean “with 1 replaced by an arbitrary n”)
I will edit the entry to make this more clear.
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