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    • Page created, but author did not leave any comments.

      v1, current

    • Page created, but author did not leave any comments.

      v1, current

    • As written, I do not believe Theorem 4.1 is true. Certainly, the coreflection exists but it is unclear why the topology generated by the connected components of the open subsets of XX is in fact a locally connected space. It is only obvious that locally connected spaces are the fixed points of this construction. Either this case was being mistaken for the locally path-connected case or the mistake was made of assuming that connected subspaces of XX still need to be connected as subspaces of R(X)R(X). Looking at the literature (Gleason’s paper “Universally locally connected refinements”) this simple refinement is used to show that the coreflection exists. However, the simple refinement and coreflection don’t seem to be the same. Rather, the coreflection is only guaranteed to be the infimum (in the lattice of topologies) of locally connected topologies larger than the topology of XX.

      Jeremy Brazas

      diff, v7, current

    • Someone anonymous has noted that the labels in two diagrams in triangle identities are misplaced. This seems clear. As the diagrams are external, can someone edit them who has access to the original code? There seem to be other errors (e.g. a C should be a D), as well.

    • a stub, for the moment just to make links work

      v1, current

    • starting something on Ravenel’s spectra X(n)X(n). Nothing to be seen yet, but I need to save…

      v1, current

    • wrote out parts of the proof of Ω unπ MO\Omega^{un}_\bullet \simeq \pi_\bullet M O at Thom spectrum

    • Add basic definition in context of algebraic topology. My first contribution.


      diff, v5, current

    • Weakly reductive semigroups is a special class of semigroups that include monoids and is interesting from the perspective of being able to represent a semigroup as its translations.


      v1, current

    • Page created, but author did not leave any comments.

      v1, current

    • starting something – not done yet

      v1, current

    • Today I was asked for what I know about the development of the theory of Kan-fibrant simplicial manifolds. I realized that the nLab does not discuss this, so I have started a page now with the facts that come to mind right away. (Likely I forgot various things that should still be added.)

    • Page created, but author did not leave any comments.


      v1, current

    • The conjecture is not true for all single-sorted algebraic theories and this was known by Soviet mathematicians. I added a short high-level explanation on this and some references to translated works that have more detail. Presumably one should edit rest of the page (and references to it) to make it clear throughout that (i) the conjecture is false (ii) the general question “Which algebraic categories have the Higman property?” is still interesting (and potentially something category-theorists could study).

      diff, v6, current

    • Edited the section on Boone conjecture in light of it being false.

      diff, v9, current

    • page about algebraic compactness.

      v1, current

    • brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references

      v1, current

    • brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references

      v1, current

    • contains all the necessary references


      v1, current

    • I added some stuff about the connection between Riccati equations and the projective linear group, which seems to explain the point of these equations.

      diff, v3, current

    • I am giving this its own little entry, for ease of collecting some facts and resources…

      …such as the MO discussions (MO:a/44885/381, MO:a/218053/381) on how K324S 3K3 \setminus 24 S^3 is the cobordism that witnesses 24[S 3]=0Ω 3 fr24 [S^3] = 0 \in \Omega^{fr}_3. There must be a more citeable reference for this, though. If anyone has the pointer, let’s add it.

      v1, current

    • a stub, to record some references

      v1, current

    • brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references

      v1, current

    • brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references

      v1, current

    • I have touched the Examples-section at sequentially compact topological space:

      1. moved the detailed discussion of the compact space {0,1} [0,1]\{0,1\}^{[0,1]} which is not sequ compact to the examples-section at compact topological space, and left a pointer to it,

      2. added pointers (just pointers for the moment) to two detailed discussions of examples of sequ compact spaces that are not compact.

    • needed to be able to point to duality in physics, so I created an entry. For the moment just a glorified redirect.

    • brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references

      v1, current

    • Fix k=0k = 0 case of vector-valued cross products (one for each unit vector).

      diff, v14, current

    • Under “Selected writings” I have added pointer to

      • Jürg Fröhlich, Non-perturbative quantum field theory – Mathematical Aspects and Applications, Advanced Series in Mathematical Physics, World Scientific 1992 (doi:10.1142/1245)

      and then I added quote of the following passage, from p. 11, on laying foundations for perturbative string theory via rigorous formulation of 2d SCFT in terms of conformal nets or similar:

      I still have hopes, perhaps romantic ones, that string theory, or something inspired by it, will come back to life again. I believe it is interesting to attempt to formulate string theory in an “invariant” way, quite like it is useful to formulate geometry in a coordinate-independent way. One might, for example, start with a family \mathcal{F}, of hyperfinite type III 1III_1 von Neumann algebras – to be a little technical – indexed by intervals of the circle with non-emptry complement (or of the super-circle). It may pay to formulate the starting point using the language of sheaves. [...][...] This structure determines a braided monoidal C*-category with unit, …; briefly, a quantum theory. From a combination of such tensor categories (left and right movers) one would attempt to reconstruct (symmetries of) physical space-time. String amplitudes would correspond to arrows (intertwiners) of the tensor category. [...][...] it would provide a general way of thinking about string theory that does not presuppose knowing the target space-time of the theory.

      diff, v5, current

    • Page created, but author did not leave any comments.

      v1, current

    • for completeness, to go alongside MUFr: The bordism theory of SUSU-structured manifolds with FrFr-structured boundaries, as per the last pages of Conner-Floyd 66 (not sure if there is any more recent account?!)

      v1, current

    • expanded E6 a bit.

    • Stub for corestriction in the traditional sense. I copied also part of this material to wikipedia.

      v1, current

    • Corrected the quoted abstract of the “Is ZF a hack?” paper. (Was missing a lambda.)

      diff, v3, current

    • am expanding the entry on smooth algebra (aka C^\infty-rings, see the query box discussion there): more examples, more properties, etc.

      But have to interrupt now.

    • I noticed that we are lacking C-infinity algebra, so I very briefly created a very stubby stub (no time right now…)