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In preparation for week296 I corrected the definition of dagger-compact category, since it was missing some coherence laws. The most convenient way to include these was to add a page containing Selinger's definition of symmetric monoidal dagger-category . This in turn forced me to add pages containing definitions of associator, unitor, "braiding":http://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/braiding and unitary morphism. Some of my links between these pages are afflicted by the difficulty of getting daggers to appear in names of pages. Maybe a lab elf can improve them.
Hmm, html links didn't work here, so I'm trying textile.
If you click the “Source” button (top right), you can see how I reformatted your comment so it renders correctly with Markdown+Itex just so you know. We can use double square brackets just like the n-Lab to link to n-Lab pages now :) It might make things a little easier in the future.
In preparation for week296 I corrected the definition of dagger-compact category, since it was missing some coherence laws. The most convenient way to include these was to add a page containing Selinger’s definition of symmetric monoidal dagger-category. This in turn forced me to add pages containing definitions of associator, unitor, braiding and unitary morphism. Some of my links between these pages are afflicted by the difficulty of getting daggers to appear in names of pages. Maybe a lab elf can improve them.
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