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The cafe seems to be down, and has been so for a couple of days (or at least, I haven’t been able to get there). Does anyone know anything about this?
Yes. A few days ago Jacques reported “death” due to a CPU coolant leak and that a replacement machine should be arriving today or tomorrow. (This was the cause of various hardware glitches in recent months.) So, we’ll all have to hang in there for a bit.
Or head on over to http://ncategory.wordpress.com/ for the moment – I see that John has posted something there yesterday.
Or head on over to http://ncategory.wordpress.com/ for the moment
Yes, I wondered whether the ’bunker’ was where all the action was happening.
We seem to back in business at the old place.
Is everyone else unable to post at the cafe still?
I get the “Too many comments have been submitted from you in a short period of time. Please try again in a short while” error message.
Comments seem to be working now, at least for me, John, David, and Jacques.
Out of curiosity, is the fact that the "Forget/Remember" option (for comment form settings) seems not to do anything more likely a server or client issue? More practically, is there something I can do about it here at home?
I think it’s a server issue.
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