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added publication details for this reference:
and am copying it over to compactly generated topological space, too
added pointer to:
I have fixed the (previously somewhat weird) referencing of the original text and added the DOI-link:
added pointer to
for the claim that every topos is regular. (Also added pointers to other references for this fact. see here)
I’m not sure what definition 2.5 (A regular category is a finitely complete category with pullback-stable image factorizations.
) is supposed to mean; should it be “a finitely complete category for which (regular epis, monos) is a stable factorization system” instead (cf. theorem 1.14 of Gran’s An introduction to regular categories)? (That’s less trivial than “pulling back the image of f yields another mono, and the pullback of f factors through it”.)
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