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Let f:C->C’ be a functor. Let A be a complete and cocomplete category. Then f:A^C’->A^C admits both a right and left adjoint. By the AFT, it suffices to show that f is continuous and cocontinuous.
Why is it true that f* is continuous and cocontinuous?
Because limits and colimits of functors valued in a complete and cocomplete category are computed pointwise.
Of course, in general you need some size condition on your categories in order to apply AFT. For instance, is still continuous and cocontinuous even when and are large, but in that case need not have a left and right adjoint.
Could you sketch the proof really quickly? I feel like an idiot because it’s not clear to me how I should do it.
Alright, I got it. I think I should probably take a nap before continuing… This was a bit embarrassing…
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