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Hi everyone,
I am new to the forum so pardon the possible selection of the wrong category under which to discsuss this topic. I have been studying Freyd’s algebraic theory of the reals in the past week. I have problems understanding his linear representation theorem that every scale can be embedded in a product of linear scales. To wit, I have two problems:
1) I thought that scale was linearly ordered under the relation of partial order defined by . So the embedding should be trivial.
2) In the proof, he shows that the meet is strictly smaller than in a scale that is an SDI (an algebra is an SDI “if whenever it is embedded into a product of algebras one of the coordinate maps is itself an embedding”). This I understand. But he also says that from this follows the disjonction property that in an SDI scale. Now, I can’t see how this follows.
Thank you for your help,
Ok I understand now. I got confused with the remark about internalization. The equation of linearity is the internalization and the sum is the operation in a lattice not a disjonction. I also see how the sum being in the SDI scale, whenever and are, imply the disjonction property and hence linearity as an order.
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