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I've decided that I'd like to take my personal web (bwebster) private, but seem to no longer have the password. Would a Lab Elf be kind enough to help me with that?
Do you want it completely private (which is how it is now), or do you want it private but published?
Either way, only you (or your collaborators) can edit it; the difference is whether other people can read it.
Actually, right now only I can edit it, since I made it private by setting a password for it. Email me, and I’ll email the password to you.
On second thought, email Andrew or Urs, because I’m going to bed now, and they’re probably getting up soon.
I gave them the password, and in principle they can reset it too.
What the heck, email anybody on the steering committee (nlabmeta). Tell them that it’s on the Forum in our secret place.
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