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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeApr 5th 2011

    for the record and for those not subscribed to the Alg-Top mailing list, I reproduce here the recent announcement posted there. I think this is going the right way. This is what we should aim for with the nnLab/nnJournal-thing, too

    [begin forwarded message]

    Dear topologists,

    we would like to draw your attention to the Manifold Atlas Project:

    The aim of of this project is to build up an on-line resource with detailed information about manifolds. It is hosted and supported by the Hausdorff Center at Bonn University.

    The Manifold Atlas is a scientific Wiki with two important features:

    1) Contributors must register with their own name in order to write in the Atlas.

    2) Once pages on the Atlas become mature, they are refereed and, if approved, published in the peer-reviewed and fully-citable on-line journal, the Bulletin of the Manifold Atlas (BoMA)

    Here is short guided tour of the Atlas.

    A) An example newly created page:

    B) The mature and now refereed version of the above page:

    C) About the Atlas

    D) Here is the editorial board where you will find a link to the editorial policy

    E) Here is how to write in the Atlas - it’s easy! - with information about TeX and the Bibliography

    We would like to invite you to contribute to the Manifold Atlas - on the one hand this is a service for the community, on the other hand it will lead potentially to a publication (with you as an author, perhaps together with others). As for a Wiki you can start with an incomplete page which is open for others or yourself to complete it. You can invite colleagues to write a page together. You may also submit complete .tex files directly. In this way you have the chance to be one of the pioneers of the Manifold Altas.


    Matthias Kreck and Diarmuid Crowley.

    [end forwarded message]

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorTobyBartels
    • CommentTimeApr 7th 2011
