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New entry universal epimorphism redirectinig also universal monomorphism. It is not among those variants listed in epimorphism. We also do not list absolute epimorphism (epimorphism which stays epimorphism after applying any functor to it). Every split epimorphism stays split after applying a functor hence it is absolute, but is there a counterexample of an absolute epimorphism which is not in fact split ?
By the way, here is an archived version of the old query from strict epimorphism
David Roberts: I’m interested in a bicategorical version of this. You haven’t happened to have done this Mike?
Mike Shulman: Not more than can be extracted from 2-congruence (michaelshulman) and regular 2-category (michaelshulman). What is there called an “eso” is the bicategorical version of a strong epi (which agrees with an extremal epi in the presence of pullbacks), and what is there called “the quotient of a 2-congruence” is the bicategorical version of a regular epi. I’ve never thought about the bicategorical version of a strict epi; since strict epis agree with regular epis in the presence of finite limits I’ve never really had occasion to care about them independently.
Any absolute epimorphism is split. If is absolute epi, then it is preserved by and so is surjective, hence is in the image of some , which must be a section of . Cf. also absolute coequalizer.
Oh thanks, I like the argument!
I’ve added this to both split epimorphism and split monomorphism.
I redid the definitions and terminology in these sections, keeping what Eduardo wrote and adding more.
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