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Someone at the IP has been adding things to several of the entries. They are not Spam but are comments that may be of interest to the people who have contributed to those pages. The pages include Grothendieck universe and Anonymous coward. The comments seem to me to be ill placed as the addition would have been better aired here.
I can’t figure out what that added comment at Grothendieck universe is supposed to mean.
I could not figure out what any of the comments added were for. They seemed not very helpful (I nearly said ’constructive’ but felt that that mught be ambiguous,:-))
People do not seem to have noticed that IP addresses addition at fully formal ETCS. Again I do not really understand the usefulness of it.
People do not seem to have noticed that IP addresses addition at fully formal ETCS. Again I do not really understand the usefulness of it.
I have removed it. If that person really cares, I hope he or she will show up here at the Forum eventually.
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