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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorzskoda
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2011

    There was lots of study here of general formalism of schemes in generalized sense like in Lurie. So let SchSch be a category of schemes just as an abstract category, without any Grothendieck topology singled out. Can we build on it the stack of qcoh sheaves, or at least what are the global sections of the structure sheaf, just from SchSch as an abstract category ? Once we get such sheaves we can get more or less everything by manipulating qcoh sheaves, direct and inverse images and so on.

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2011

    Yes, the stack of quasicoherent sheaves on any category CC is the stack presented by the fibered category which is the tangent category of C opC^{op}.

    Take C=AffC = Aff, then TC opT C^{op} \simeq Mod. That’s the ordinary stack of quasicoherent sheaves.

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2011

    So what one could and should consider:

    take any (small) category CC whatsoever. Then ask for coverages/Grothendieck topologies that make (TC op) opC(T C^{op})^{op} \to C a stack. This is then a “natural” kind of coverage for generalized geometry parameterized by CC.

    • CommentRowNumber4.
    • CommentAuthorzskoda
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2011

    That is somewhat helpful, but it does not work if we modify to rings replaced by generalized rings (commutative finitary monads in SetSet) – in that case quasicoherent modules are not abelian as algebras over a theory do not make an abelian category, nor additive in general. So already the Durov’s commutative case does not work. On the other hand it works for the Grothendieck case. Though in that case, the qcoh sheaves are stack for the descent topology which is in fact much finer than the Zariski topology. The effective descent topology for qcoh sheaves is not one of the standard ones like Zariski. Zariski can be axiomatized in more complex way once we have the correct category of qcoh sheaves. This works in Durov case, where the things are nonadditive. There must be some nonadditive generalization of the tanegnt category…any idea ?

    • CommentRowNumber5.
    • CommentAuthorzskoda
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2011
    • (edited May 31st 2011)

    Wait a second. I was asking about SchSch, not about AffAff. Your proposal works for AffAff where there are other constructions as well. The problem is with my original question about SchSch already (not to mention the nonadditive context from 4). Are you sure that for SchSch the stack of qcoh modules is obtained via the same construction ? (Remember, we are starting with SchSch, so no presheaf constructions are allowed, we just know SchSch as a category and we do not know, a priori, which part of SchSch is AffAff.

    As far as 3 I am also wondering – you see one thing is to take topology which makes it a stack and another is to take a topology which makes quasicoherent presheaves sheaves. Now which one is stronger in general ? (is there a general statement) The second property is more basic.

    • CommentRowNumber6.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2011

    I haven’t thought about what happens when you start with SchSch, form the canonical prestack (TSch op) opSch op(T Sch^{op})^op \to Sch^op and then stackify with respect to a topology that makes AffAff not be dense in SchSch. Probably one can get weird results.

    But why would one want to do this?

    • CommentRowNumber7.
    • CommentAuthorzskoda
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2011
    • (edited May 31st 2011)

    The main question is if one can define qcoh modules on SchSch just from bare SchSch as a category. If one has that, one can define almost everything in scheme theory from qcoh modules, hence one can define all the geometry of the category of scheme just from knowing SchSch as a category and in particular detect just categorically which schemes are affine. Isn’t that a dream of category theory – to reduce geometry to category theory ?

    and then stackify with respect to a topology that makes Aff not be dense in Sch.

    I do not understand this. What the density for presheaves of sets has to do with sheaf property of qusicoherent presheaves ? Again, this about stackification and so on I see as seperate questions from the original question if we can define the stack of qcoh modules (I really do not care that it is a stack in this question, this is a fact which we do not need to prove independently) on SchSch just from knowing SchSch as an abstract category.

    P.S. there is a related MO question here which would be corollary of the answer here, if solved.

    • CommentRowNumber8.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2011

    I mean if one starts with TSch opT Sch^{op} and then stackifies with respect to a topology that makes schemes be sheaves over AffAff, the result will be the same as the obtained from TAff opT Aff^{op}.

    But I think for the kind of question here it is not very useful to start with SchSch. That is already a subcategory of sheaves on AffAff, so if we are going to pass to sheaves and stacks anyway, we should just start with AffAff.

    Of course that depends on what exactly you want to do.