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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorTom Hirschowitz
    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2011
    • (edited Nov 25th 2011)

    Hi all, I’m meeting a weird universal property in CAT, and started wondering whether the enriched toolbox would apply.

    I have functors

    L:ABL \colon A \to B, R:ACR \colon A \to C, F:BsetsF \colon B \to sets, G:CsetsG \colon C \to sets, and H:AsetsH \colon A \to sets,

    plus natural transformations α:FLH\alpha \colon FL \to H and β:GRH\beta \colon GR \to H.

    I have been considering the following two universal properties.

    1. The pullback in the (op?)lax slice CAT / sets (I hope you can guess what I mean by lax slice).

    2. Same as (1), but imposing furthermore that the domain be 1, i.e., that the universal object is a set.

    I think there are various ways to calculate these, the most obvious, for (2), being to calculate the limits of all functors to reflect the whole diagram in sets (actually [1,sets]), and then compute the limit there. Another being to calculate (1), and then take the limit (more precisely the right extension along the unique functor to 1).

    I’m interested in whether these universal properties are definable by weighted colimits in CAT, or as limits in sets seen as a complete object of the 2-category CAT with its standard Yoneda structure. Notably, are there results explaining why the various ways of computing these limits coincide?

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2011

    The pullback of what two morphisms in CAT/setCAT/set? I see a span in CAT/setCAT/set ,not a cospan; was that a typo?

  1. You're probably right that morphisms should be oriented according to the 1-cell, not the 2-cell. So yes, it's a typo, and pushout, etc.
    • CommentRowNumber4.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeNov 26th 2011

    You mean, what you want is a pushout in the lax slice 2-category? I also don’t quite understand what you mean by “imposing that the domain be 1”. Maybe you could give an example?

  2. Sorry, I don’t seem to explain myself well.

    Yes, what I want is a pushout in the lax slice 2-category (although I’m not sure the ’2’ matters here).

    By “imposing that the domain be 1”, I mean the same as when computing a Kan extension along the unique 1-cell to 1. That gives perhaps the best possible example: are, e.g., right extensions of a 1-cell, say f:CDf \colon C \to D, along another particular examples of limits in the ambient 2-category (as opposed to in DD)?

    The original example was similar, but with interchange of limits: given functors F:CsetsF \colon C \to sets, G:DsetsG \colon D \to sets, and H:CDH \colon C \to D such that GH=FGH = F, one would compute limF, limG, and the induced map limH:limGlimFlimH \colon limG \to limF, and then pull limH back along some element x:1limFx \colon 1 \to limF to obtain a set XX. This element induces a transformation α:x!F\alpha \colon x! \to F, and I think XX may be obtained alternatively by first computing the pushout of α\alpha and HH in the lax slice CAT/setsCAT / sets, and then taking the limit of the resulting functor.

    Is this clearer?

    • CommentRowNumber6.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2011

    By “imposing that the domain be 1”, I mean the same as when computing a Kan extension along the unique 1-cell to 1.

    What I was looking for was a precise statement of the universal property you are after. Your mention of Kan extensions gives me some vague idea of what you might mean, but not a precise one.

    • CommentRowNumber7.
    • CommentAuthorTom Hirschowitz
    • CommentTimeNov 29th 2011
    • (edited Nov 30th 2011)

    Using the notations of the first post, the second universal property is that of a terminal object in the category with objects tuples of a set x:1setsx \colon 1 \to sets, and natural transformations a:x!Fa \colon x! \to F and b:x!Gb \colon x! \to G such that α(aL)=β(bR)\alpha \circ (aL) = \beta \circ (bR), and morphisms (x,a,b)(x,a,b)(x,a,b) \to (x',a',b') all transformations γ:xx\gamma \colon x \to x' such that a(x!)=aa' \circ (x!) = a and b(x!)=bb' \circ (x!) = b.

    • CommentRowNumber8.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeDec 7th 2011
    • (edited Dec 7th 2011)

    Okay. I’m sorry for being a bit snappy, and for taking so long to reply now; I had something else on my mind. But it’s good, because if I had tried to answer you a week ago, I don’t think I would have had the right answer, whereas now I think I see it.

    Suppose we have a 2-category equipped with proarrows KK. (I know this may seem like a great leap into abstraction, but trust me.) Suppose J:ABJ\colon A ⇸ B is a proarrow, and f:AXf\colon A\to X is an arrow. Then a limit of ff weighted by JJ is an arrow :BX\ell\colon B\to X equipped with an isomorphism f J\ell_\bullet \cong f_\bullet \lhd J. Here \lhd denotes the right adjoint on one side to composition of proarrows, and f :AXf_\bullet\colon A ⇸ X denotes the proarrow represented by ff (its right adjoint is f f^\bullet).

    In particular, if K=CatK=Cat with profunctors as proarrows, then:

    • Given AA, take J=t J = t_\bullet for t:A1t\colon A\to 1 the unique arrow. Then JJ-weighted limits are ordinary limits of AA-shaped diagrams.

    • Given j:ABj\colon A \to B, take J=j J = j_\bullet; then JJ-weighted limits are ordinary (pointwise) right Kan extensions along jj.

    Moreover, phrasing things this way, we have a nice functoriality property: given J 1:ABJ_1 \colon A ⇸ B and J 2:BCJ_2 \colon B ⇸ C, we have

    lim J 1J 2flim J 2lim J 1f. \mathrm{lim}^{J_1 \odot J_2} f \cong \mathrm{lim}^{J_2} \mathrm{lim}^{J_1} f.

    Now, if KK is equipped with proarrows and the bicategory of proarrows has local colimits (colimits in hom-categories preserved by composition), then we can construct a new 2-category equipped with proarrows, denoted Mod(K)Mod(K), as follows.

    • Its objects are categories enriched in the bicategory of proarrows for KK. These are like “monads with many objects”. They have a collection of objects ob(C)ob(C), each assigned to an object of KK as its “extent”, and if xx and yy have extents εx\epsilon x and εy\epsilon y, then the hom-object C(x,y)C(x,y) is a proarrow εyεx\epsilon y ⇸ \epsilon x. There are then composition/multiplication and unit morphisms as usual.

    • An arrow from CC to DD consists of an assignation of an object f(x)f(x) of DD to every object xx of CC, together with an arrow f x:εxε(f(x))f_x\colon \epsilon x\to \epsilon(f(x)) (not a proarrow) in KK, and for each x,yx,y in CC morphisms C(x,y)(f x) (f y) D(f(x),f(y))C(x,y) \odot (f_x)_\bullet \to (f_y)_\bullet \odot D(f(x),f(y)).

    • A proarrow in Mod(K)Mod(K) is a “bimodule” in the obvious sense, and the 2-cells are bimodule morphisms.

    If KK has one object, one arrow, and its proarrows are a monoidal category VV, then Mod(V)Mod(V) is the bicategory of VV-enriched categories, functors, and profunctors.

    Note also that every object XX of KK induces an object of Mod(K)Mod(K), call it yXy X, which has one object xx of extent XX and the unit profunctor U XU_X as yX(x,x)y X(x,x). This is a full embedding KMod(K)K\hookrightarrow Mod(K).

    Now, let’s take K=CatK=Cat with profunctors as the proarrows, and suppose given the data described in your first post. Then there is an object of Mod(Cat)Mod(Cat), let’s call it DD, described as follows. It has three objects aa, bb, and cc, with εa=A\epsilon a = A, εb=B\epsilon b = B, and εc=C\epsilon c = C. We have D(b,a)=L D(b,a) = L_\bullet, D(c,a)=R D(c,a) = R_\bullet, and all other hom-objects empty.

    Now your functors F,G,HF,G,H and transformations α,β\alpha,\beta describe an arrow f:Dy(set)f\colon D\to y(set) in Mod(Cat)Mod(Cat). I claim that the object you want is the right Kan extension of ff along the unique arrow D1D\to 1 in Mod(Cat)Mod(Cat). Moreover, the fact that your two ways of computing this agree boils down to the functoriality of limits I described above.

    On the one hand, we have an object PP with three objects a,b,ca,b,c all of extent 11 and only trivial homs. An arrow Py(set)P\to y(set) is exactly a cospan in setset, and its Kan extension along P1P\to 1 in Mod(K)Mod(K) is the pullback of this cospan. The process of “reflecting the whole diagram in [1,set][1,set]” I believe corresponds to taking the Kan extension along the evident arrow DPD\to P; thus the composite Kan extension is just the Kan extension along D1D\to 1.

    On the other hand, we also have a category EE which is the collage of DD. This means it is the lax colimit of DD regarded as a lax functor into ProfProf, and it has the additional universal property that the coprojections into the colimit are representable profunctors, and detect representability in the sense that a profunctor out of EE is representable iff its composites with all the coprojections are so. Moreover, the coprojections fit together to give an arrow q:Dy(E)q\colon D \to y(E) in Mod(Cat)Mod(Cat) such that q q_\bullet is a (“Morita”) equivalence.

    Now the arrow f:Dy(set)f\colon D\to y(set) determined by F,G,H,α,βF,G,H,\alpha,\beta can equivalently be regarded as a lax cocone under DD qua lax functor into ProfProf, with vertex setset. Since colimits in (lax) slice categories are just (lax) colimits of the underlying objects, the pushout of this diagram in Cat//setCat//set is just EE, and the induced functor EsetE\to set is the same as that induced by f:Dy(set)f\colon D\to y(set) and the Morita equivalence q :Dy(E)q_\bullet\colon D\simeq y(E) — which is also the right Kan extension of ff along qq.

    Therefore, the process of taking the pushout in Cat//setCat//set and then taking the limit of the resulting EE-diagram is equivalent to first Kan extending along Dy(E)D\to y(E), then along E1E\to 1; thus the composite is again the Kan extension along D1D\to 1.

    The nLab doesn’t yet do a great job of explaining the ModMod construction and collages, I think. Good papers to read are “Enriched categories and cohomology” and “Cauchy characterization of enriched categories” by Ross Street, and “An axiomatics for bicategories of modules” by Carboni, Kasangian, and Walters.

  3. This looks like exactly the kind of things I was hoping for: thanks a lot! The papers you point to look very frightening; do they require prior knowledge of proarrow equipment (or your framed bicategories)?
    • CommentRowNumber10.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeDec 11th 2011

    No, they don’t; those papers are written entirely in terms of bicategories, with functors considered as the profunctors with right adjoints. This simplifies things somewhat (at the price of making it impossible to distinguish between a category and its Cauchy completion).

    • CommentRowNumber11.
    • CommentAuthorTom Hirschowitz
    • CommentTimeDec 20th 2011
    • (edited Dec 20th 2011)

    Dear Mike,

    Thanks, I’m almost there! However, I’m clearly not yet autonomous in the use of these tools, and you’re probably not ok for being systematically used as a reference manual. So is there some place I could look up for known facts on these things?

    E.g., I’d expect the following to hold:

    • Mod(Prof)Mod(Prof) has all right extensions (but how are they computed?),

    • so, starting from the original L,R,F,G,HL,R,F,G,H, and α\alpha, β\beta,

      • lett EE be the pushout of LL and RR in CatCat,
      • see it as a one-object Prof-category,
      • the pushout square is a map DED \to E in Mod(Cat)Mod(Cat);
      • thus, successively extending along DE1D \to E \to 1, we again obtain the same limit as before.
    • CommentRowNumber12.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeDec 20th 2011

    It may be faster for me to answer your questions directly than to try to track down references; there isn’t a good textbook or anything on profunctor theory (sadly). For any bicategory BB with sufficient limits in its hom-categories, the bicategory Mod(B)Mod(B) has right extensions and right liftings, computed in basically the same way as right extensions and liftings are in ProfProf using the right extensions in BB and an end-like limit. But perhaps what you wanted to ask about was right extensions of functors, which is the sense in which we “extend along DE1D\to E\to 1”. Those are a limit-notion and depend on completeness properties of the target object — in your case, setset. I don’t know offhand a general result about how completeness properties of an object of a bicategory/equipment BB extend to its image in Mod(B)Mod(B), but it should be provable.