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Now that I have a device which can’t run Firefox (aka an iPad) I’ve realised just how awful those rendered images were. I’ve therefore taken a look at my TODO list and ticked off one more item: install MathJaX for non-compliant browsers. It appears to be working: I’ve tested in in Chrome on my Linux machine and Mobile Safari on my iPad. I’d be grateful if others could experiment and let me know their experiences.
Some important notes:
Are you talking Forum only or Lab as well ? One of my colleagues on an old windows machine still complains of not seeing Lab formulas well (but who knows what the problem is).
nForum. The nLab has has this for quite some time.
I use opera mini on my phone, and that is pretty dreadful, but it (the browser) is very much pared down to minimise traffic. I haven’t tried opera mobile.
Do you mean that MathJaX is pretty dreadful on opera mini? Opera mobile looks okay, but it’s really obvious that the maths elements are images (when you zoom in they scale really badly). Safari mobile at least has proper characters.
If there are particular browsers where images would be more appropriate then I could do a more sophisticated browser test. Also, it’s possible to choose not to use MathJaX in your preferences (the library still gets loaded, it just doesn’t get used as there’s no MathML on the page), using images instead.
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