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The Math2.0 crowd are never satisfied. Not content with the OpenID login, there was a call to have their own domain name instead of it being of the form /~stacey/something
. My fantastic sysadmins said that the simplest way to achieve this would be to move the forums from the main math.ntnu webserver to my university VPS - which they set up for me so that I can run a local installation of instiki for my students (and anyone else at NTNU who happens to want to use it). As all the forums are running on the same code, I couldn’t move one without moving all of them. So the nForum has moved.
Here are the salient points:
The new address is: http://nforum.mathforge.org. The various other forums are similarly of the form <forum-name>.mathforge.org
, with the exception of Math2.0 which is at http://publishing.mathforge.org.
All old links should be automatically redirected to the new ones. If you find any that aren’t, please let me know.
Probably the most annoying feature of the relocation is that your browser will need to be retold your password. Sorry about that.
As all the forums are subdomains of mathforge.org
, cookie sharing should work which means that once you are logged on to one forum you should be logged on to all of them.
As a consequence of the relocation, the forum is now running on a webserver that I maintain and configure. This means that we no longer have to send iTeX fragments to the nLab for processing - they are done right here. Hopefully, this will make iTeX a little snappier (particularly in preview). However, as with all changes things might have gone wrong: please let me know.
Scott Morrison also asked that I enable so-called friendly urls. This means that the URL of a discussion or comment contains the title, giving a little more of an idea of what the discussion is about just from the URL. This pretty much has to be a system wide thing because of the way it works so it’s enabled here as well. Please let me know if you spot any dead links.
As with any changes, there are likely to be things that I’ve overlooked. Please let me know either via this thread or directly by email of anything that isn’t working how you think it ought to.
I’ve just encountered another annoyance. It seems that Google OpenIDs (and maybe some others) are site-specific. This means that if you use a Google OpenID to log on then you’ll need to reassociate it with your account. Also, if you use more than one forum on my system then you should associate your google id from each forum so that you can use it to log on from any of them. (This only affects logging on, once you are logged on to the system you can navigate between forums with no problem. If you only ever log on from one forum then you only need to associate it from that forum.)
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