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by chance I noticed that two days ago somebody created an entry Circuitoids. I am not sure what to do about it…
I noticed that too. The same author created generalized continuity a good while ago, which was discussed here. Perhaps the same course of action is warranted in this case?
There is also a new link from Categories and Sheaves to circuitoids (at the end).
Thanks for the alert. I am removing that link. On that page this is close to being spam.
I am worried about this. Maybe we should block the IP.
Thanks, Finn, for bringing up that old conversation.
Here is a quote from the start of the article linked to from the page:
The attempt presented in this article to generalize several directions in my research was to [sic] cumbersome. It appears that it’s better to consider every case individually without this generalization. This article is a blind valley in research. I don’t suggest to read the below.
This article is not to be published, because the author is not an expert in category theory. But it may be used as a part of my future writings on the topic of general topology.
I would argue that this means it should not be linked to from the nLab. The author professes not to be an expert in category theory, and that the article is a ’blind valley’.
Also, I think the page as written is non-sensical. I have deleted the contents.
I have deleted the contents.
Thanks for taking care of this!
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