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Andrew, any chance of getting the “show real names in comments” feature from Math2.0 ported over here?
For those not knowing what Mike’s referring to, here’s the explanation cut-and-pasted from the announcement on Math2.0:
Right, I’ve implemented a “Real Name” feature. It works on an opt-in basis for both the poster and the viewer (and this means, in particular, that only users who are logged in should see the real names). If you go to your account page (click the “Account” tab at the top) and select “Forum Preferences” then you should see two new preferences: “Show real name in comments” and “See real names in comments”. The first controls whether you want your real name shown at the top of your comments. The second controls whether you want to see others real names there. For a real name to be shown on a given comment then the comment author has to have checked the first and you have to have checked the second.
Moreover, if you click on the “Source” link at the top right of a given comment then in the information there you will see the username of the author (linked to their account page).
My thinking behind this was to make it hard for someone to mimic someone else (who already has an account on the forum) simply by changing their real name to that name. The source link makes it really easy to verify the username of the poster, even without leaving the page. Moreover, as a comment author you can’t guarantee that the reader is seeing your given real name since the reader may have chosen not to use that facility. On the other hand, the comment author has to give permission for people to see their real name so there’s no loss of confidentiality.
The defaults are to see real names in comments but not to show your own. This seemed the right default.
I’ll wait a couple of days to see if anyone has any objections. As it’s an opt-in (on both counts), I don’t anticipate any issues, but I’m always aware that I won’t have thought of everything.
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