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I’ve asked a question on Google+ about publishing: https://plus.google.com/u/0/103404025783539237119/posts/DBLoxrCUNwc. The paper in question is my anafunctors paper. If anyone has comments feel free to post them here.
I agree, you should push toward the major revision, when the results are better. The editors and referees might be more conservative, but one should strongly push toward long term benefit, rather then publishing something what is obsolete already at the time of acceptance.
BTW, David, you now work at the University (as it is written on google+) ? I remember you were writing that you went out of academia and doing math only in free time. You got back to full time academic job ?
At the moment you have version C and its results. That could be submitted to the journal pointing out that it is a revised version of the earlier paper and so withdrawing that earlier version. The version D idea is fine, but you are not sure to get it out in a short time. (Perhaps if C is accepted and by the time it is about to be published you have version D ready you can add a note at the end of C saying that since this version was written you have managed to reduce the conditions even more, and this will appear in a separate paper ’in preparation’.)
@Zoran, no it is only an honorary position. I have the affiliation but no pay, so I’m still working outside academia.
I should add I emailed the editor, and he was cool with version C.
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