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  1. Please prevent me from making a silly mistake on a basic fact (if this is the case).

    To fix notations, let NN the nerve functor from small categories to simplicial sets and |||\,| the topological realization functor from simplicial sets to topological spaces. Then a functor F:𝒞𝒟F:\mathcal{C}\to \mathcal{D} induces a continuous function |N(F)|:|N(𝒞)||N(𝒟)||N(F)|:|N(\mathcal{C})|\to |N(\mathcal{D})|.

    Now, my doubt: a natural transformation α:FG\alpha: F\Rightarrow G induces a homotopy between |N(F)||N(F)| and |N(G)||N(G)| regardless of the fact that α\alpha is an isomorphism or not, right?

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorTobyBartels
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2012

    Right, because NN doesn’t know the difference between a category and its free groupoid.

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorzskoda
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2012

    2: After the realization it does not. But NN is fully faithful so it does. Are we speaking the same thing ?

    • CommentRowNumber4.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2012

    Domenico, you are correct. But Zoran is also right that NN can tell the difference between a category and its free groupoid, and this also remains true after realization: the realization of the nerve of a groupoid is always a 1-type, whereas the realization of a nerve of a category can be any weak homotopy type. But maybe Toby meant to say “…and its free \infty-groupoid”.

    • CommentRowNumber5.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2012


    just to add one aspect: this is an important tool for producing homotopies. In particular it means that every adjunction is sent by the nerve to a homotopy equivalence. That’s a strong tool for producing homotopy equivalences. It’s the theme of Quillen’s theorems A and B, see at geometric realization of categories.

  2. phew! :-)


    • CommentRowNumber7.
    • CommentAuthorTobyBartels
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2012

    Never mind what I said.