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At partition, I've defined partitions of sets, numbers, intervals, measure spaces, and unity on topological spaes, giving these all as special cases of a general concept defined in a monoid whose nonzero elements form an ideal (and possibly equipped with some notion of infinite sum).
I’ve been going to write something up about this (have you noticed me poking around in the nLab :)?)
The point I wanted to promote is that (at least for sets) a partition is the opposite of a function. For a function, is a partition, indexes the equivalence classes, and maps an element of to its equivalence class induced by .
When partitions are involved, equivalence classes are often prominent though this doesn’t seem to be the case for one of the most famous partition in categories and graphs where is the opposite of the function
More explicitly say a is a graph (quiver) enriched in (a most 1 arrow between objects) - I chose the name to make the underlying graph of a a .
A relation between sets, is a with objects partitioned into sets and such that , and a function is a special type of relation.
An equivalence relation on is the underlying graph (a 0graph) of considered as a category and this correspondance holds for all relations that are reflexive and transitive.
The terminology gets confusing - what is often called the graph of a function is actually the of the function’s .
I’ve been poking around trying to find the correct words to describe the above (which probably aren’t right as given), and also trying to figure out how the notion of fiber is involved, what to call the opposite of a function (a “cofunction”?), and on what nlab pages this should be mentioned.
Re #1: this is a nice page, Toby – thanks!
Re #2: the opposite of a function (in this sense) would be (edited) a partition of with extra “stuff” (corresponding to elements in not in the image); a partition without extra stuff would be opposite to a surjective function. The corresponding equivalence relation would be the kernel pair of .
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