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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorEman
    • CommentTimeMar 15th 2014
    Hello all,
    I liked very much the nLab-entry "well-founded relation": concise and informative.
    Do you think "lexicographic order" may be included in the section Examples as another, practically relevant example of well-founded relation?
    If yes, I would be very grateful if somebody could do that (I am not an expert).

    Best regards from Germany
    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorEman
    • CommentTimeMar 15th 2014
    Motivation: perhaps I should have said right away, that I am interested in *using* mathematical induction for some proofs of program properties. These inductions tend to need lexicographic ordering. So I would like to know, just how much or how little I must assume in order to use it. Hence, not the most general formulation, but something like:
    having an n-tuple of sets, each equipped with a total(?) ordering Ri, ...

    so basically, a practical and reasonably powerful special case.
    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorTodd_Trimble
    • CommentTimeMar 15th 2014

    We do have an entry lexicographic order; does it meet your needs? I guess a remark could be put in about the case where the orders L iL_i involved are well-ordered. Thanks for the suggestion!

    • CommentRowNumber4.
    • CommentAuthorEman
    • CommentTimeMar 15th 2014
    Well I am interested in a simple issue: If I have linearly ordered sets (Si, <i), i=1,....n, is the lexicographic order defined upon these necessarily well-founded? In other words, may I use this lexicographic order for mathematical induction, or do I need more assumptions?
    Normally when discussing program properties, one has "rich", "nicely-behaved" sets, there should be no surprises, but I am trying to assemble some definitions for my work.

    BTW, concerning entry "well-founded relation", in section Examples it is said "Let S be a finite set. Then any relation on S is well-founded." How about the relation (a,a)?

    Thank you for help.
    • CommentRowNumber5.
    • CommentAuthorTodd_Trimble
    • CommentTimeMar 15th 2014

    I think that for nonempty S iS_i, the product iS i\prod_i S_i under the lexicographic order is well-founded if and only if all the S iS_i are well-founded. This is because each S iS_i embeds as a suborder of iS i\prod_i S_i, and a suborder of a well-founded order is also well-founded. So you need to be able to do induction over all the S iS_i in order to do induction over iS i\prod_i S_i.

    Thanks for pointing out the error under the Examples section; I think it’s fixed now.

    • CommentRowNumber6.
    • CommentAuthorEman
    • CommentTimeMar 15th 2014
    Thank you for your prompt help.