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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeApr 1st 2014
    • (edited Apr 1st 2014)

    It seems to me that there is a canonical map

    Pic(KU) 3GL 1(tmf) Pic(KU)_{\leq 3} \longrightarrow GL_1(tmf)

    (from the Picard 3-group of the E E_\infty-ring KU to the infinity-group of units of tmf)

    and that it has a chance of being an iso on π 3\pi_{\bullet \leq 3}. Does that sound plausible?

    So the reasoning for the map itself is this: Freed et al. have highlighted the observation that Pic(KU) 3(Ωko) 3Pic(KU)_{\leq 3} \simeq (\Omega ko)_{\leq 3} (e.g theorem 15.2 here, see the discussion at super line 2-bundle where I am writing |2sLine||2\mathbf{sLine}| for Pic(KU) 3Pic(KU)_{\leq 3}). But that would mean also that Pic(KU) 3Pic(KU)_{\leq 3} is also the homotopy fiber of BStringBOB String \to B O. That in turn would yield the map Pic(KU) 3GL 1(tmf)Pic(KU)_{\leq 3} \to GL_1(tmf) by the argument in section 8 of Ando-Blumberg-Gepner 10. Their twist of tmftmf would be the (delooping of the) restriction B 2U(1)Pic(KU)GL 1(tmf)B^2 U(1) \to Pic(KU) \to GL_1(tmf).

    (Thanks to Joost Nuiten for discussion of this point, but all remaining confusion is my fault.)

    Even though I have been staring at Ando-Hopkins-Rezk 10 for a bit, I am still not good at deciding what the image of that map in GL 1(tmf)GL_1(tmf) would be. But from what I am being told from an oracle I gather it has a good chance of being an iso in degree 3\leq 3.

    Does that sound plausible?

    If something like this holds, it makes me wonder that the following then seems suggestive: by the discussion at super 2-line bundle we also have that |Br()|Pic(KU) 3|\mathbf{Br}(\mathbb{C})| \simeq Pic(KU)_{\leq 3}, where now on the left I mean the geometric realization of the “Brauer 2-stack” of the ring of complex numbers, regarded in the context of 2\mathbb{Z}_2-graded algebras.

    So then we would have in this sense

    Br()Pic(KU) 3?GL 1(tmf) 3. Br(\mathbb{C}) \simeq Pic(KU)_{\leq 3} \stackrel{\simeq ?}{\to} GL_1(tmf)_{\leq 3} \,.

    This looks moderately neat. In some precise sense Pic()Pic(-) is the “non-connected delooping” of GL 1GL_1 and Br()Br(-) is in turn the “non-connected delooping” of PicPic (as made precise e.g. in Szymik 11).