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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2016

    In the paper “Ezra Getzler, M. M. Kapranov, Cyclic operads and cyclic homology” (linked at cyclic operad), I find the following definition of a monad 𝕋\mathbb{T} on symmetric sequences whose algebras are supposed to be operads:

    𝕋(V)= TV(T) \mathbb{T}(V) = \bigoplus_T V(T)

    where V(T)= vv(T)V(in(v))V(T) = \bigotimes_{v\in v(T)} V(in(v)), with v(T)v(T) the vertices of the tree TT and in(v)in(v) the set of incoming edges at vv.

    I am confused about the \bigoplus in the definition of 𝕋(V)\mathbb{T}(V). In their equation (1.9) it is labeled as over “rooted nn-trees TT” but in the sentence preceeding it is said to be over “isomorphism classes of rooted trees”. But I can’t make sense of either one. If it is over all trees, then there is a lot of duplication; but if it is over isomorphism classes of trees, then what does it mean to talk about “the set of vertices” of an isomorphism class of trees?

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorTodd_Trimble
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2016

    Honestly, I’ve found that article pretty confusing in the past.

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2016

    Now I am looking at our page free operad which has a similar formula, summing over isomorphism classes of trees:

    [T]π 0(Trees)K¯(T) Aut(T)λ¯(T) \coprod_{[T] \in \pi_0(Trees)} \bar K(T) \otimes_{Aut(T)} \bar \lambda(T)

    As written, this has the same problem that things like K¯(T)\bar K(T) and Aut(T)Aut(T) are not defined if we are given only an isomorphism class of trees [T][T]. Perhaps what is meant is to choose a representative of each isomorphism class? But even in this case, the two formulas don’t agree: the second one is “tensored up” to get a Σ n\Sigma_n-action.

    Choosing representatives also makes me uneasy because we have to define the multiplication of the monad by “grafting trees”, and that generally won’t produce the chosen representative; so it seems we would have to choose an isomorphism from the result to our chosen representative of its equivalence class, and this won’t be coherent. But perhaps the earlier definition as a coend TTreesK¯(T)λ¯(T)\int^{T \in Trees} \bar K(T) \otimes \bar \lambda(T) avoids this problem, and the point is that the version involving isomorphism classes is only related to the “real” definition by a noncanonical isomorphism so we can’t transfer the monad structure to it?

    • CommentRowNumber4.
    • CommentAuthorTodd_Trimble
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2016

    I have several half-written articles on my public nLab web and my private nLab web which goes into these matters. Somewhat in the manner of Richard Williamson’s series of posts which walk through a development, I’ll try the same thing here, drawing on one of the articles in my private web.

    We let FBFB denote the symmetric monoidal groupoid of finite sets and bijections, where the monoidal product is obtained by restricting the coproduct on the category of finite sets. This is equivalent as a symmetric monoidal category to the permutation category P\mathbf{P}, the free symmetric monoidal category on one generator.

    Let F,G:FBVF, G: FB \to V be two species valued in a complete cocomplete symmetric monoidal closed category VV. The graft product FGF \star G is defined by the formula

    (FG)[S]= TSF[S/T]G[T](F \star G)[S] = \sum_{T \subseteq S} F[S/T] \otimes G[T]

    where S/TS/T denotes the pushout of T1T \to 1 along the inclusion TST \subseteq S. This includes the degenerate case where T=0T = 0; in this case S/0S/0 is the result of freely adjoining a point to SS.

    The set S/TS/T has T/TT/T as distinguished basepoint, and if UU is complementary to TT, we have a natural bijection S/TU+{T/T}S/T \cong U + \{T/T\}. It follows that

    (FG)[S] U+T=SF[U+*]G[T] U+T=SF[U]G[T] (FG)[S]\array{ (F \star G)[S] & \cong & \sum_{U + T = S} F[U + *] \otimes G[T] \\ & \cong & \sum_{U + T = S} F'[U] \otimes G[T] \\ & \cong & (F' \otimes G)[S] }

    where \otimes refers to the usual Day convolution product, induced from the tensor product on FBFB, and FF' is the derivative of the species FF, defined by the formula F[S]=F[S+*]F'[S] = F[S + \ast]. Since differentiation of species

    V ()+*:V FBV FBV^{(-)+\ast} \colon V^{FB} \to V^{FB}

    is cocontinuous, and since Day convolution is separately cocontinuous (i.e., cocontinuous in each of its arguments), we see that

    FGFGF \star G \cong F' \otimes G

    is also separately cocontinuous.

    For V=SetV = Set, a structure of species FGF \star G is given by three data:

    • A tree obtained by grafting the root of a sprout (aka corolla) with leaf set τ\tau to a leaf of another sprout with leaf set σ\sigma;
    • An element of F[σ]F[\sigma];
    • An element of G[τ]G[\tau].
    • CommentRowNumber5.
    • CommentAuthorTodd_Trimble
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2016

    In this post, I’ll make some remarks on the “lax monoidal” structure of the graft product.

    The graft product is not associative up to isomorphism, but we do have a “lax” associativity. Specifically, we calculate

    (FG)H (FG)H FGH+FGH FGH+F(GH)\array{ (F \star G) \star H & \cong & (F' \otimes G)' \otimes H \\ & \cong & F'' \otimes G \otimes H + F' \otimes G' \otimes H \\ & \cong & F'' \otimes G \otimes H + F \star (G \star H) }

    so that there is a noninvertible associativity

    α FGH:F(GH)(FG)H\alpha_{F G H}: F \star (G \star H) \to (F \star G) \star H

    given by inclusion, natural in each of its arguments FF, GG, and HH, and satisfying an evident pentagon coherence condition. Additionally, there is a lax unit, defined as the species XX for which X[S]X[S] is the monoidal unit of VV if SS is a 1-element set, else X[S]X[S] is initial. Here we have evident natural maps

    λ F:XFF,ρ F:FXF\lambda_F: X \star F \to F, \qquad \rho_F: F \star X \to F

    The first map λ F\lambda_F is invertible, but the second is not: its component at a finite set SS is the codiagonal

    :SF[S]F[S]\nabla: S \cdot F[S] \to F[S]

    However, all coherence conditions for monoidal categories hold (I won’t prove this here). We may call such a structure, relaxing the condition of invertibility of α\alpha and ρ\rho but retaining the naturality and coherence conditions, a lax monoidal category.

    In the sequel, F nF^{\star n} will denote the iterated graft product defined recursively by

    F 0=X,F (n+1)=F nFF^{\star 0} = X, \qquad F^{\star (n+1)} = F^{\star n} \star F

    so that all parentheses in F nF^{\star n} are to the left. We have a partial coherence theorem:

    Proposition: Any two maps

    F mF nF (m+n)F^{\star m} \star F^{\star n} \to F^{\star (m+n)}

    definable in the language of lax monoidal categories are equal. We denote this map by α mn\alpha_{m n}.

    For FF a SetSet-valued species, an element of F nF^{\star n} is described by data as follows:

    1. A structure of tree constructed from nn sprouts in a prescribed plugging order;

    2. An element of F[σ]F[\sigma] for each sprout σ\sigma used in the construction of the tree in 1.

    Thus we expect some connection between the “geometric series” nF n\sum_n F^{\star n} and the free operad on FF. The only difference between the two is that the standard construction of free operads via trees is in no way dependent on plugging order. Thus, to obtain the free operad, we have to mod out by isomorphisms on F nF^{\star n} induced by “inessential” differences in plugging order. This will be described in detail in the section on trees and hierarchies.

    • CommentRowNumber6.
    • CommentAuthorTodd_Trimble
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2016

    In this comment will be a brief interlude on presenting the notion of operad.

    There are various ways to describe operads and free operads. For example,

    • An operad CC is a monoid in the category of species with respect to a monoidal product known as the substitution product (denoted \circ). When unpacked, this means we have a collection of maps

      C[k]C[n 1]C[n k]C[n 1++n k]C[k] \otimes C[n_1] \otimes \ldots \otimes C[n_k] \to C[n_1 + \ldots + n_k]

      and an identity element IC[1]I \to C[1], satisfying appropriate associativity and unit conditions.

    • Alternatively, an operad consists of objects C(k)C(k) and a collection of morphisms

      plug i:C[j]C[k]C[j+k1]plug_i \colon C[j] \otimes C[k] \to C[j+k-1]

      satisfying suitable properties. In terms of sets, where elements pC(j)p \in C(j) are interpreted as jj-ary operations X jXX^j \to X, the meaning of plug i(p,q)plug_i(p, q) is that outputs of the operation qq are plugged in as inputs for the i thi^{th} argument of pp, resulting in an operation p(1,,q,,1)p(1, \ldots, q, \ldots, 1).

    Each description has its advantages. The first is concise and fits into clean categorical algebra. The second is easier to use for describing things like bar or cobar resolutions.

    The description in terms of graft products, given below, is essentially a way to repackage the second description; the plugging operations

    plug 1,,plug j:C[j]C[k]C[j+k1]plug_1, \ldots, \plug_j \colon C[j] \otimes C[k] \to C[j+k-1]

    are rolled together into a single operation

    plug:C[j1]×C[k]C[j+k1],plug \colon C'[j-1] \times C[k] \to C[j+k-1],

    one for each pair (j,k)(j, k), and then the plugplug operations are then rolled together into a single species map CCCC \star C \to C. This map is to satisfy various associativity and unit conditions. With some qualification (related to mere lax associativity of the graft product)

    A key point for us is the following analogy. In one of the standard bar resolutions for groups or monoids GG, one starts with the augmentation ideal IGI G defined by an exact sequence

    0IGGε00 \to I G \to \mathbb{Z} G \stackrel{\varepsilon}{\to} \mathbb{Z} \to 0

    and then one defines a chain complex with components G(IG) n\mathbb{Z}G \otimes (I G)^{\otimes n}, or in other words a differential on GT(IG)\mathbb{Z}G \otimes T(I G) where the tensor algebra

    T(IG)= n0IG nT(I G) = \sum_{n \geq 0} I G^{\otimes n}

    is seen as a graded algebra. Part of what makes this mechanism succeed, in particular the description of the tensor algebra, is the fact that the tensor product \otimes is separately continuous in its arguments.

    One could try to develop a bar resolution for operads by analogy, and in fact that is what one does, but not in a simple-minded way suggested by the first description of operads. That is, one does work with a resolution based on a free operad (free operads being analogous to tensor algebras) generated by a species analogue of an augmentation ideal, but the graded components are not iterated substitution products M nM^{\circ n}, and indeed, the free operad 𝒪(F)\mathcal{O}(F) on a species FF is not formed in a simple-minded way as

    𝒪(F)= n0F n(no)\mathcal{O}(F) = \sum_{n \geq 0} F^{\circ n} \qquad (no)

    because that is false (it would be true if the monoidal product \circ were separately cocontinuous, or even if it preserves countable coproducts in its separate arguments).

    Instead, in the literature, the bar resolution for operads is developed more in accordance with the second description of operads. It is not exactly based on a geometric series

    n0F n\sum_{n \geq 0} F^{\star n}

    (because that is still not quite right for the free operad), but it’s based on something close to that, as will be explained below. In any event, it is relevant for this development that \star is separately cocontinuous in each of its arguments.

    Note that in this way of developing operad theory, the notion of derivative of a species plays a more visible role. This is perhaps fortunate not just because we understand the calculus of species as a kind of categorification of the differential calculus, but also because it brings to light phenomena that usually go unremarked. Some examples:

    • The derivative CC' of an operad CC is naturally an algebra, in such a way that the operad structure according to the second description,

      CC=CCC,C' \otimes C = C \star C \to C,

      endows CC with a natural structure of CC'-module.

    • The derivative of a cyclic operad is an ordinary operad.

    • CommentRowNumber7.
    • CommentAuthorTodd_Trimble
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2016

    Now we’ll go a little deeper into the structure of free operads, by analyzing further the structure of F nF^{\star n} in terms of (for us, useful) notions of hierarchies and trees.

    It is interesting to resolve F nF^{\star n} into a sum of monomials, each of which is a tensor product of derivatives of FF. For example, we have

    FF FF (FF)F (FF)F FF 2+FFF F 4 (F 3)F FF 3+2FFF+FFFF+FFF 2+(F) 3F\array{ F \star F & \cong & F' \otimes F & & \\ (F \star F) \star F & \cong & (F \star F)' \otimes F & \cong & F'' \otimes F^{\otimes 2} + F' \otimes F' \otimes F \\ F^{\star 4} & \cong & (F^{\star 3})' \otimes F & \cong & F''' \otimes F^{\otimes 3} + 2 F'' \otimes F' \otimes F + F'' \otimes F \otimes F' \otimes F + F' \otimes F'' \otimes F^{\otimes 2} + (F')^{\otimes 3} \otimes F }

    There are in fact (n1)!(n-1)! monomial terms in F nF^{\star n}, each a tensor product of nn higher derivative terms, and each corresponding to a function f:[2,n][1,n]f: [2, n] \to [1, n] (here [k,n]{k,k+1,,n}[k, n] \coloneqq \{k, k+1, \ldots, n\}) such that f(k)<kf(k) \lt k for all k[2,n]k \in [2, n]. Think of such a function as specifying a “plugging order”, where each tensor factor F (k)F^{(k)} occurring in a monomial is plugged into a vertex marked by a derivative symbol ^\prime which occurs prior in the monomial term.

    Definition: Let [1,n][1, n] be the set of integers between 11 and nn. A hierarchy (of order nn) is a function f:[2,n][1,n]f \colon [2, n] \to [1, n] such that f(k)<kf(k) \lt k for all k[2,n]k \in [2, n]. If (S,r)(S, r) is a pointed set, then a rooted tree on SS is a morphism of pointed sets f:SSf \colon S \to S such that every ss is taken to the basepoint rr by some iterate of ff: for all sSs \in S there exists kk such that f k(s)=rf^k(s) = r.

    Note there are (n1)!(n-1)! possible hierarchies on the nn-element set [1,n][1, n]. We denote this set by Hier(n)Hier(n), or rather |Hier(n)|{|Hier(n)|}.

    There is an evident notion of morphism and isomorphism of rooted trees. Evidently every hierarchy f:[2,n][1,n]f \colon [2, n] \to [1, n] gives a rooted tree structure on the set [1,n][1, n] with 11 as basepoint. There is thus a groupoid Hier(n)Hier(n) consisting of hierarchies on [1,n][1, n] and isomorphisms between them. The disjoint union of groupoids Hier= n0Hier(n)Hier = \sum_{n \geq 0} Hier(n) forms a full subgroupoid of the groupoid TreeTree of finite rooted trees. In fact, the inclusion

    HierTreeHier \to Tree

    is essentially surjective, hence an equivalence.

    For a set SS, define the S thS^{th} derivative F (S)F^{(S)} of a species FF by the formula F (S)[T]=F[S+T]F^{(S)}[T] = F[S + T]. For each hierarchy ff of order nn, define a species F (f)F^{(f)} by

    F (f)= k=1 nF (f 1(k))F^{(f)} = \bigotimes_{k = 1}^n F^{(f^{-1}(k))}

    Proposition: If FF is a species, then

    F n= f|Hier(n)|F (f)F^{\star n} = \sum_{f \in {|Hier(n)|}} F^{(f)}

    for every n1n \geq 1.

    Proof: We proceed by induction. The case n=0n = 0 is clear. We have

    F (n+1)=(F n)F= f|Hier(n)| j=1 nF (f 1(1))(F (f 1(j)))F (f 1(n))FF^{\star (n+1)} = (F^{\star n})' \otimes F = \sum_{f \in {|Hier(n)|}} \sum_{j=1}^n F^{(f^{-1}(1))} \otimes \ldots \otimes (F^{(f^{-1}(j))})' \otimes \ldots \otimes F^{(f^{-1}(n))} \otimes F

    by the product rule for differentiation. Then, to each summand indexed by (f,j)(f, j), we associate a new hierarchy g|Hier(n+1)|g \in {|Hier(n+1)|} defined by g(k)=f(k)g(k) = f(k) for knk \leq n, and g(n+1)=jg(n+1) = j. This means we can rewrite the last sum as

    F (n+1)= g|Hier(n+1)|F (g)F^{\star (n+1)} = \sum_{g \in {|Hier(n+1)|}} F^{(g)}

    and we are done. \Box

    Next, let S nS_n be the set of permutations on [1,n][1, n]. If ϕS n\phi \in S_n defines an isomorphism fgf \to g between hierarchies of order nn, then there is an isomorphism (natural in species FF)

    F (f)F (g)F^{(f)} \to F^{(g)}

    and accordingly each species FF gives rise to a representation F ()F^{(-)} of the groupoid HierHier.

    Example: Consider the hierarchy f:[2,3][1,3]f \colon [2, 3] \to [1, 3] that takes both 22 and 33 to 11. There is an automorphism ϕS 3\phi \in S_3 from ff to itself, given by the simple transposition interchanging 22 and 33. The corresponding automorphism on F (f)=FFFF^{(f)} = F'' \otimes F \otimes F, evaluated at an object W|FB|W \in {|FB|}, is a coproduct of evident isomorphisms

    F[T{2,3}]F[U]F[V]F[T{3,2}]F[V]F[U]F[T \sqcup \{2, 3\}] \otimes F[U] \otimes F[V] \to F[T \sqcup \{3, 2\}] \otimes F[V] \otimes F[U]

    ranging over the possible decompositions W=T+U+VW = T + U + V. Thus the induced automorphism involves transport of FF-structures along bijections of sets (as in the map

    F[Tϕ]:F[T{2,3}]F[T{3,2}]F[T \sqcup \phi] \colon F[T \sqcup \{2, 3\}] \to F[T \sqcup \{3, 2\}]

    where ϕ\phi swaps 22 and 33), in addition to corresponding permutations of tensor factors, where we permute the factors

    FF=F (f 1(2))F (f 1(3))F (f 1(3))F (f 1(2))=FF.F \otimes F = F^{(f^{-1}(2))} \otimes F^{(f^{-1}(3))} \to F^{(f^{-1}(3))} \otimes F^{(f^{-1}(2))} = F \otimes F.
    • CommentRowNumber8.
    • CommentAuthorTodd_Trimble
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2016

    Now for a final comment before taking a breather. Here we describe the free operad.

    Write DerDer for the functor that takes a species FF to the representation F ()F^{(-)} of the groupoid HierHier. Thus DerDer defines a functor

    Der:V PV P×HierDer \colon V^\mathbf{P} \to V^{\mathbf{P} \times Hier}

    An alternative view is that there is a fibering

    π F: n0F n|Hier|1\pi_F: \sum_{n \geq 0} F^{\star n} \to {|Hier|} \cdot \mathbf{1}

    which maps each monomial term in F nF^{\star n} down to a copy of the terminal species 1\mathbf{1}, indexed by the appropriate hierarchy in |Hier(n)|{|Hier(n)|}. This fibering may be regarded as a span F n\sum F^{\star n} from 1\mathbf{1} to |Hier|1{|Hier|} \cdot \mathbf{1} in V PV^\mathbf{P}. The groupoid HierHier may be regarded as a monad on |Hier|{|Hier|} in that acts on F n\sum F^{\star n} via the representation F ()F^{(-)}.

    Eventually we will prove the following theorem.

    Theorem: Let colim Hiercolim_{Hier} denote the colimit functor

    V P×HierV P.V^{\mathbf{P} \times Hier} \to V^\mathbf{P}.

    Then colim HierDer:V PV Pcolim_{Hier} \circ Der \colon V^\mathbf{P} \to V^\mathbf{P} sends a species FF to the free operad 𝒪(F)\mathcal{O}(F) on FF. In alternative notation,

    𝒪(F) fHierF (f) ( nF n) Hier1\array{ \mathcal{O}(F) & \cong & \int^{f \in Hier} F^{(f)} \\ & \cong & (\sum_n F^{\star n}) \otimes_{Hier} 1 }

    This will be explored further in comments to come, perhaps.

    • CommentRowNumber9.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2016

    Wow! What an impressive picture.

    I have one silly question: way back up in #4, isn’t the Day convolution a coend rather than a coproduct? Is that coend getting wrapped up somewhere else in this presentation?

    The reason I’m asking about this is that I wanted to understand the analogous construction for cyclic operads, and then generalize it to cyclic multicategories. You mentioned cyclic operads at one point, so I suppose you’ve thought about how it works for them too; I’d be interested to hear whatever you have to say about them.

    And have you thought about how it works for multicategories (colored operads)? Presumably P\mathbf{P} gets replaced by the free symmetric strict monoidal category on the set of objects (colors)?

    • CommentRowNumber10.
    • CommentAuthorTodd_Trimble
    • CommentTimeMar 14th 2016
    • (edited Mar 14th 2016)

    Hi Mike; thanks for your feedback!

    That the tensor product FGF \otimes G, which abstractly is indeed a Day convolution coend induced from the monoidal structure of P\mathbf{P}, can be reformulated as a sum

    (FG)[S]= S=T+UF[T]G[U](F \otimes G)[S] = \sum_{S = T + U} F[T] \otimes G[U]

    is something I first learned from the Joyal theory of species papers. The idea is that from (FG)[S]= V,WFBF[V]G[W]hom FB(S,VW)(F \otimes G)[S] = \int^{V, W \in FB} F[V] \otimes G[W] \otimes \hom_{FB}(S, V \oplus W), each bijection ϕ:SVW\phi: S \to V \oplus W induces a decomposition of SS into two components T=ϕ 1(V)T = \phi^{-1}(V), U=ϕ 1(W)U = \phi^{-1}(W), so that the coend may be rewritten

    S=T+U V,WF[V]G[W]hom FB(T,V)hom FB(U,W) S=T+UF[T]G[U]\sum_{S = T + U} \int^{V, W} F[V] \otimes G[W] \otimes \hom_{FB}(T, V) \otimes \hom_{FB}(U, W) \cong \sum_{S = T + U} F[T] \otimes G[U]

    where the last isomorphism comes about by the Yoneda (or coYoneda) lemma.

    (If you haven’t gone through those species papers of Joyal and his coworkers (like Labelle), they are highly recommended! Really beautiful stuff.)

    I’ll lead up to some ruminations on cyclic operads in the next couple or three comments to come (Williamson-like), but to be honest I haven’t pursued those thoughts as hard as I ought to have. Mostly these are things which came out of considering the Lie operad, which is truly a key example.

    (No, I haven’t thought much about the colored case.)

    • CommentRowNumber11.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeMar 14th 2016

    Thanks! Now that you describe it, it kind of rings a bell, but it still seems weird to me, like something that shouldn’t work. (-: Does that work for Day convolution over any, um, cocartesian monoidal extensive category?

    • CommentRowNumber12.
    • CommentAuthorTodd_Trimble
    • CommentTimeMar 14th 2016
    • (edited Mar 14th 2016)

    Without thinking about it very hard, it might work for the groupoidal core of a cocartesian monoidal extensive category.

    Edit: And maybe for a cocartesian monoidal extensive category as well, although I’ve had a few drinks. If true, that would seem potentially interesting for a more Lawvere theory context, as opposed to an operad context.

    • CommentRowNumber13.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeMar 14th 2016

    Probably what I meant was the groupoidal core.

    • CommentRowNumber14.
    • CommentAuthorTodd_Trimble
    • CommentTimeMar 14th 2016

    Let me pick up again from the end of #8. I now want to reformulate the notion of permutative VV-operad in terms of the graft product \star.

    Recall that for a species FF, we have the decomposition

    F 3 = (FF)F = FFF+FFF = F (f)+F (g)\array{ F^{\star 3} & = & (F \star F) \star F \\ & = & F' \otimes F' \otimes F + F'' \otimes F \otimes F \\ & = & F^{(f)} + F^{(g)} }

    where ff is the hierarchy [2,3][1,3][2, 3] \to [1, 3] sending jj to j1j-1, and gg is the hierarchy considered at the end of #7, sending both 22 and 33 to 11. The inclusion of F (f)F^{(f)} in F 3F^{\star 3} is identified with the lax associativity α:F(FF)(FF)F\alpha \colon F \star (F \star F) \to (F \star F) \star F.

    Definition: An VV-valued operad is a species F:FBVF \colon FB \to V equipped with maps m:FFFm \colon F \star F \to F, u:XFu: X \to F (recall XX from #5; it is Joyal’s notation) such that the following conditions hold.

    • The restriction of m(m1 F):(FF)FFm \circ (m \star 1_F) \colon (F \star F) \star F \to F to F (f)F^{(f)} is given by

      F(FF)1 FmFFmF.F \star (F \star F) \stackrel{1_F \star m}{\to} F \star F \stackrel{m}{\to} F.

      In other words, the diagram

      F(FF) 1m FF α m (FF)F m1FF m F\array{ F \star (F \star F) & \stackrel{1 \star m}{\to} & F \star F & \\ ^\mathllap{\alpha} \downarrow & & & \searrow^\mathrlap{m} \\ (F \star F) \star F & \underset{m \star 1}{\to} F \star F & \underset{m}{\to} & F }


    • The restriction of m(m1 F)m \circ (m \star 1_F) to F (g)F^{(g)} coequalizes the pair of automorphisms F (g)F (g)F^{(g)} \to F^{(g)} induced by the two hierarchy automorphisms on gg, namely the identity automorphism and the automorphism on F (g)F^{(g)} described in the Example at the end of #7.

    • The composite

      XFu1 FFFmFX \star F \stackrel{u \star 1_F}{\to} F \star F \stackrel{m}{\to} F

      is λ F\lambda_F, and the composite

      FX1 FuFFmFF \star X \stackrel{1_F \star u}{\to} F \star F \stackrel{m}{\to} F

      is ρ F\rho_F. (See #5 for the descriptions of the left and right unit constraints λ F\lambda_F and ρ F\rho_F.)

    The first two conditions correspond to the associativity condition in the usual definition of operad (monoid with respect to plehystic monoidal product on species – what Joyal called the substitution product and denotes by \circ), and the last condition to the unit conditions. \Box

    This reformulation is much closer to the idea of operad that is implicit in Stasheff’s Homotopy of H-Spaces papers, where for example the associahedra K jK_j carry operations sub i:K j×K kK j+k1sub_i: K_j \times K_k \to K_{j+k-1} for i=1,,ji = 1, \ldots, j, which we called plug iplug_i in #6 above and which we have rolled into a single species map KKKK \star K \to K. Also this reformulation is the right one to use if we want to consider non-unital operads as Stasheff did (he considered associahedra K 2,K 3,K_2, K_3, \ldots but no K 1K_1); if we define a non-unital operad instead as a species FF equipped with an associative multiplication FFFF \circ F \to F, we get something much too weak or inexpressive for this purpose.

    Before we prove that these conditions are necessary and sufficient, I’d like to observe that if FF is an operad (à la the definition above), then its derivative FF' naturally carries a structure of algebra (i.e., monoid with respect to the convolution product \otimes), something I alluded to at the end of #6. For if we take the derivative of the species map m:FFFm: F' \otimes F \to F with the help of the product rule, we get a map

    FF+FFFF' \otimes F' + F'' \otimes F \to F'

    which in turn given by a pair of maps FFFF' \otimes F' \to F', FFFF'' \otimes F \to F'. By taking the derivative on the first associativity condition, one sees that the first of these maps FFFF' \otimes F' \to F' is an associative operation. The derivative of the operad unit u:XFu: X \to F gives a unit u:IFu': I \to F' where II is the monoidal unit for \otimes, and the third condition implies that uu' satisfies the unit axioms for an algebra. Finally, note that the map m:FFFm: F' \otimes F \to F endows FF with a structure of module over this algebra FF'; again the requisite axioms for a module follow from the first and third conditions of the definition.

    I’ll give some examples of this later, perhaps. An important example is the Lie algebra operad as a VectVect-enriched operad, whose derivative is the tensor algebra species n0X n\sum_{n \geq 0} X^{\otimes n} whose algebra structure as free noncommutative algebra coincides with the derivative structure described above.