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  1. Hi everyone!
    I'm Martti Karvonen, a student of Chris Heunen (and of Tom Leinster). I've been mostly thinking about how "dagger category theory" differs from ordinary category theory, e.g. when it comes to monads, limits etc. I'm considering making various changes to relevant nlab pages based on what I've learned so far: some of these changes might be about ongoing work, some about minor side notes (examples, small remarks), and some would be on the verge of self-promotion (e.g. an addition to the page on Frobenius monads explaining how and why they provide the right notion of a monad for dagger categories. This would refer to my work with Chris on the topic). Would this kind of thing be welcome here?
    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2017
    • (edited Sep 26th 2017)

    Would this kind of thing be welcome here?


    (I suppose by “changes” you really mean “additions”.)

    It might be a design decision whether to give every single entry on a categorical concept a section concerned with its dagger-theoretic version, or whether instead to create a single page, maybe titled dagger category theory, and collect all the material there.

    Maybe in the beginning the latter approach might be more tractable. Once that page stabilizes, we can think about copying relevant material to related entries, or else adding cross-pointers.

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2017

    Absolutely! Just announce your edits here at the forum, in the “Latest Changes” category, and be open to the possibility that changes may be suggested. Contributions to the nLab don’t have to be about finished work, and original research is not only allowed but encouraged.