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I have split off a simple entry sphere bundle from spherical fibration in order to allow more precise linking (for instance from Thom space and from wave front set): “sphere bundle” is about fiber bundles whose fibers are isomorphic to spheres, while “spherical fibrations” is about those whose fibers have the (stable) homotopy type of spheres.
Each of the myyn.org references in Thom space links to a “404: page not found”.
These links were introduced by Zoran in rev 3.
myyn.org is some sort of front end to PlanetMath.
The PlanetMath site can be flaky and has had periods when it is unavailable. Maybe those links were added to cached copies when PlanetMath was inaccessible.
Here are the direct links to the pages (they generate error messages at top but still seem to have content)
The nLab page Thom isomorphism also contains these myyn links.
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