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In the case of strict ω-categories, there is an ostensible generalization of the comma construction, where, given maps we let
denote the limit of the cospan
The objects of this strict ω-category are pairs of -cells , whose images under resp. are parallel, together with an -cell , and the arrows are obvious arrows forming commuting diagrams.
I think this construction might be interesting since we have a natural equipment of pairs of projections for each .
In particular, this should be interesting if we want to define cartesian fibrations of ω-categories globally, when, given an isofibration
we ask for the existence of a left adjoint right inverse to the induced maps for each , and moreover we require that these are compatible with the projections (some kind of Beck-Chevalley condition, I think, and what this should mean intuitively, is that every cartesian -cell lies between cartesian -cells).
Is this kind of idea covered anywhere?
I found something in Gray’s old papers through Mike’s old notes on 3-toposes, and the correct construction uses the (op)lax Gray cotensor but is related.
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