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Our pages category of cubes, cubical set, model structure on cubical sets, and so on, seem to all be exclusively about non-symmetric cubes. Given the increasing importance of more structured cube categories (symmetric, cartesian, de Morgan, etc.), especially in relation to HoTT, it would be nice to be more general. What opinions do people have about organization? Should these generically-named pages all be disambiguation pages? Should they include the different kinds of cubes as subsections? Should the generic pages remain about the non-symmetric version, with pointers to separate pages about other versions? In general, should the unqualified term “cubical set” on the nLab continue to refer to non-symmetric cubes, or should it be ambiguous unless qualified?
Go by the amount of available material: As long as you dont’ have much to say, write it into the next best existing entry. If and when the new material grows larger than is sensible for a subsection, split it off to its own stand-alone entry.
Good question! I have thought a bit about this myself. As usual, I think there are advantages and disadvantages to all approaches. One perspective I like is that something is a ’category of cubes’ if one can construct it as I do at ’category of cubes’: as the free strict monoidal category on a ’structured interval’ category. I think this encompasses all examples. One way to proceed would be to write this down formally (this is not completely trivial as soon as one has 2-dimensional structures involved) and then make all the specific categories of cubes examples of this formal construction for specific choices of structured interval category. They could be listed on the formal/generic ’category of cubes’ page, but have (or the corresponding cubical sets pages could have) their own pages where they are significant enough, e.g. if they have specific applications or special properties.
Add a link to cubical set.
Entries rarely develop by a master plan. Best to add your contribution to whatever entry seems most suitable.
Is there any point in having separate “exposition” entries? Why shouldn’t the main entries have exposition in them?
Would it not be better to merge the entries?
True, the existence of the entries “category of cubes - exposition” and “cubical set - exposition” makes no sense, at least not in their current form.
(Looks like they were both created by Richard Williamson, who is no longer active here).
Let’s merge whatever is valuable into “category of cubes” or “cubical set” and then clear them.
Thanks for this!
The new version states
All of the cube categories described above are test categories.
Do we really have a proof of this for all versions “described above”, including all possible variations with connections, symmetries, and reversals?
I count at least 12 such variations, or 24 if we also allow degeneracies to be removed.
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