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added pointer to these introductions and reviews:
Véronique Bernard, Ulf-G. Meißner, Chiral perturbation theory, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci.57:33-60, 2007 (arXiv:hep-ph/0611231)
Véronique Bernard, Chiral Perturbation Theory and Baryon Properties, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 60:82-160, 2008 (arXiv:0706.0312)
Gerhard Ecker, Status of chiral perturbation theory, PoS Confinement 8:025, 2008 (arXiv:0812.4196)
Johan Bijnens, Chiral perturbation theory in the meson sector, PoS CD09:031, 2009 (arXiv:0909.4635)
Johan Bijnens, Status of Strong ChPT, PoS EFT09 (2009) 022 (spire:818610)
R. Machleidt, D. R. Entem, Chiral effective field theory and nuclear forces, Phys. Rept. 503:1-75, 2011 (arXiv:1105.2919)
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added pointer to more of the original articles:
Steven Weinberg, Phenomenological Lagrangians, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Volume 96, Issues 1–2, April 1979, Pages 327-340 (doi:10.1016/0378-4371(79)90223-1)
J. Gasser, H. Leutwyler, Chiral perturbation theory to one loop, Annals of Physics Volume 158, Issue 1, November 1984, Pages 142-210 (doi:10.1016/0003-4916(84)90242-2)
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added pointer to one more review:
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added pointer to this recent article:
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I admit that I do not understand the log message in #16, but I see from the diff of revision 53 that you inserted
an expression for the Lagrangian density around where this is mentioned in the text,
and also a mentioning of the proton mass.
On (1):
I had intentionally not written the Lagrangian density, since doing this properly requires some care. But okay, it’s maybe better to show it. So I have now adjusted (here) the expression you added, to bring out the actual point about the left- and right-handed contributions not mixing in the massless limit. Also added the missing coupling of the quarks to the gluon field (which is not usually implicit in the Dirac operator if that is written in the slash notation you used). Also I added a minimum pointer to the literature.
On (2):
The point of the proton mass being much larger than the sum of its contituent quarks is that this shows that the limit of vanishing light quark masses is a reasonable point to investigate hadronic bound states. I have now made this comment more explicit (here).
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Luca Ciambriello, Roberto Contino, Andrea Luzio, Marcello Romano, Ling-Xiao Xu, A novel strategy to prove chiral symmetry breaking in QCD-like theories [arXiv:2404.02967]
Luca Ciambriello, Roberto Contino, Ling-Xiao Xu, On the Proof of Chiral Symmetry Breaking through Anomaly Matching in QCD-like Theories: An Exemplification [arXiv:2404.02971]
(This should really go into an entry dedicated to chiral symmetry breaking which however does not yet exist.)
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added pointer to today’s
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