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Added Thom-Federer and Gottlieb thorems to Eilenberg-MacLane space; added the remark “ in any (oo,1)-category with homotopy pullbacks” in loop space object.
created stub for Hodge star operator
added a few remarks on Eilenberg-Mac Lane space and Whitehead tower.
at String Lie 2-algebra I guess should rather be
waiting for feedback on this before editing the page.
ok, I’ll now edit that and add the explicit expression for the 3-brackets.
Thanks for taking care of that!
done. when you have time, please check.
I added a section on how is the -principal -bundle over classified by the cocycle .
Leaving for two weeks: holiday :)
Have a nice time,
added a line just after equation (1) in group extension.
Expanded coset.
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