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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorKorman
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2021
    • (edited Mar 12th 2021)

    Hello there, am an independent researcher interested in foundations of mathematics though without comprehensive mathematical background. Last year, it caught my attention that physics is formalized in richer kinds of homotopy theory in Science_Of_Logic. There is mention of universal algebra but they choose to work in a kind of synthetic homotopy theory but in my view continuing in universal algebra is more generic and could actually lead to a foundation of math. My math is bad but there could be some truth :

    1. A unity of opposites is between EM category on a monad and EM category on a comonad. It is subsumed by the ambient category via bireflection
    2. The bireflection has kleisli lifting as left adjoint inclusion and eilenberg-moore lifting as right adjoint inclusion(a crucial step yet am not so sure)
    3. The tower of adjoint modalities extends(by monadic decomposition) to any arbitrary ordinal as compared to the one on nlab which I believe is of length 12.
    4. A foremost assumption of mine is that any tower is equivalent to a fully faithful functor from kleisli category to eilenbergmoore category and that it is an equivalence( at least it is without overly-restrictive conditions). Also, dont forget it is still a tower of unity of opposites
    5. This now forms a 2-category with adjunctions as 0-cells, a square of adjunctions as 1-cell and transformations as 2-cells. The adjunctions in it are all tripple adjoints.
    6. In my view, this should be formalized in enriched category theory so that every category turns out to be such a tower. The truth of this may be predicted using the idea that enriched categories are just free (co)completions and as such they are equivalent to eilenbergmoore categories, leading to my final step. 7.The 2-category above can be viewed as the category of all categories. The importance of this approach is that universal algebra is equivalent to inductive/recursive types and we can take advantage of this to inductively/recursively define the whole of mathematics and prove all its theorems in a big-bang kind of manner.

      As a remark, I observe how bireflection seems to be equivalent to the physical notion of time, as defined in the nlab page, causal locality. This gives me the impression that math is inherently dynamic, that math actually exists objectively. Either way, what prevents a mathemetical theory from being real except causality ? I posted a related question on MathOverflow has there been any serious attempt at a circular foundation of mathematics. I at-least expect that the Hegelian pseudo-code can be formalized on such lines. I would appreciate it if some more advanced mathematician embarks on this or corrects me. Thank you

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorKorman
    • CommentTimeMar 8th 2021

    Considering that Hegel claims to have logically derived his philosophy in a somewhat causal order, is it possible that there is a pre-mathematical way of understanding math (using dialectics maybe) ? Maybe the author, Urs can help me with this ..please

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeMar 8th 2021

    I find that – once one sees it – the fact that Hegel speaks a pseudocode of adjoint modal type theory is so obvious and compelling that I wouldn’t quite know what else to say about it beyond what I already said.

    (And of course Lawvere said it first, I just added the more intrinsic modal perspective and a higher progression of adjoint modalities.)

    You may disregard the homotopy-theoretic aspect, if that is a stumbling block, since this is not necessary to see just the progression of dualities of opposites. (It makes for more interesting models, though, and is needed to understand the self-reflection of the "Essence", but you can leave that for later.)

    • CommentRowNumber4.
    • CommentAuthorKorman
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2021
    • (edited Mar 11th 2021)

    First of all, thank you for your response. I am not disregarding the homotopy-theoretic aspect, am generalizing it instead. My current emphasis is that universal algebra is as general as it sounds which may have been overlooked due to traditional treatments which focused on special cases(e.g Lawvere theories). An example of their generality ; eilenbergmoore coalgebras over a linear exponential comonad is a model of multiplicative intuitionistic linear logic which subsumes both classical and intuitionistic(topos) logic, Linear Logic(forms an SMCC). While unity of unities of opposites corresponds to a tripple adjoint, aufhebung corresponds to iterated lifting(seems like aufhebung is the real progression), at the convergence of this self opposition of identity appears(Essence). That’s the tower, a 0-cell, continued lifting yields a tower of towers as a 1-cell(I think this is self-reflection) but further iteration seems degenerate so I settle on the 2-category I defined above. Guess this also corresponds to something here..(I had to rewrite this all over as it got lost)

    • CommentRowNumber5.
    • CommentAuthorKorman
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2021
    • (edited Mar 11th 2021)

    Above, I have a typo, a tower of towers is a 1-cell.

    • CommentRowNumber6.
    • CommentAuthorKori
    • CommentTimeJul 12th 2023
    Hello everyone, my time has come to follow through with this project where I left off. I went on researching on the validity and feasibility of "Science of Logic" in regards the scientific method and "foundations". My conclusions are optimistic but I need help to get the work done.
    My former account was Korman but I couldn't login.
    • CommentRowNumber7.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeJul 12th 2023

    Let me warn you than some of what you wrote in #1 above sounds like pure crackpottery. Such as this statement:

    universal algebra is equivalent to inductive/recursive types and we can take advantage of this to inductively/recursively define the whole of mathematics and prove all its theorems in a big-bang kind of manner.

    and this one:

    bireflection seems to be equivalent to the physical notion of time, as defined in the nlab page, causal locality. This gives me the impression that math is inherently dynamic, that math actually exists objectively. Either way, what prevents a mathemetical theory from being real except causality ?

    Several other of the statements above above remain unitelligible to me.

    I am doubtful that the nForum is the right place for the discussion that you are after.

    • CommentRowNumber8.
    • CommentAuthorKori
    • CommentTimeJul 12th 2023
    Sure I did not have an exact way to express my idea, it was just a general problem statement of a light bulb moment. That's also why I had to drop out and find out enough to come back after doing my due diligence. I understand what you do here on nlab and I appreciate the platform.The idea of itself will sound strange and infeasible to this community, guaranteed. But it has a simple core as it is a principle. This simple core is what I need your help and others to demonstrate. It takes two different perspectives to understand my goal, one mathematical and one logic programming.
    What I found you may already know, that the dialectical method is a proof strategy, specifically the focusing proof strategy of SAT Solving. The focusing proof strategy is a dialectical pattern generally applicable throughout mathematics as negation and contradiction. So this is the logical principle that can be easily run on a computer as logic proof system harnessing SAT-solving in it's different forms into explainable AI.
    It is an original idea I have developed over time from the primitive form above. I figure that if I don't explain myself I will loose the opportunity to work with professionals and they will lack my critical insights in so far as I am not part of the mathematics community. I see power and fruition in collaboration.