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Vanilla 1.1.10 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.
The final copy of my thesis is up on the lab. Available from Fundamental Bigroupoids and 2-Covering Spaces. I’ve fixed the typo in definition 5.1 that made it into the print copy ;)
Thus I’ve updated the links at David Roberts, the above linked page, and on my private web home page. If anyone knows of any other places it is linked, please let me know, or update the link to point to DMRthesis_final.pdf, instead of DMR_thesis.pdf.
Now to all the other projects that are on the back burner, time permitting…
Now to all the other projects that are on the back burner, time permitting...
Keeping all of your projects on the stovetop seems like a rather good way to start a fire...
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