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2-category 2-category-theory abelian-categories adjoint algebra algebraic algebraic-geometry algebraic-topology analysis analytic-geometry arithmetic arithmetic-geometry book bundles calculus categorical categories category category-theory chern-weil-theory cohesion cohesive-homotopy-type-theory cohomology colimits combinatorics complex complex-geometry computable-mathematics computer-science constructive cosmology definitions deformation-theory descent diagrams differential differential-cohomology differential-equations differential-geometry digraphs duality elliptic-cohomology enriched fibration foundation foundations functional-analysis functor gauge-theory gebra geometric-quantization geometry graph graphs gravity grothendieck group group-theory harmonic-analysis higher higher-algebra higher-category-theory higher-differential-geometry higher-geometry higher-lie-theory higher-topos-theory homological homological-algebra homotopy homotopy-theory homotopy-type-theory index-theory integration integration-theory k-theory lie-theory limits linear linear-algebra locale localization logic mathematics measure-theory modal modal-logic model model-category-theory monad monads monoidal monoidal-category-theory morphism motives motivic-cohomology nlab nonassociative noncommutative noncommutative-geometry number-theory of operads operator operator-algebra order-theory pages pasting philosophy physics pro-object probability probability-theory quantization quantum quantum-field quantum-field-theory quantum-mechanics quantum-physics quantum-theory question representation representation-theory riemannian-geometry scheme schemes set set-theory sheaf simplicial space spin-geometry stable-homotopy-theory stack string string-theory superalgebra supergeometry svg symplectic-geometry synthetic-differential-geometry terminology theory topology topos topos-theory tqft type type-theory universal variational-calculus

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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeMay 26th 2022

    finally found this textbook, am giving it it’s own category:reference-entry hereby, for ease of cross-linking

    have started to make a hyperlinked index for the chapters.

    v1, current

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeMay 27th 2022
    • (edited May 27th 2022)

    Though, what I was really looking for was a canonical/authorative CMT text which would say clearly that or when topological order requires strong interaction.

    Most texts say this only in between the lines, with a sequence of implications like

    strong interactionlong-range entanglementtopological order \text{strong interaction} \;\Rightarrow\; \text{long-range entanglement} \Rightarrow \text{topological order}

    tacitly understood.

    But I was hoping for a more explicit form of the statement that could easily be cited. Preferably a boxed statement of the kind they have in Quantum Information Meets Quantum Matter.

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeMay 27th 2022

    Found an honest explicit comment on the first arrow,

    from Zaanen, Liu, Sun & Schalm 15, p. 527:

    In a way it appears obvious that the strongly interacting bosonic quantum critical state is subject to long-range entanglement. Nonetheless, the status of this claim is conjectural.

    It is at present impossible to arrive at more solid conclusions that are based on rigorous mathematical procedures. It does illustrate emphatically the central challenge in the pursuit of field-theoretical quantum information: there are as yet not general measures available to precisely enumerate the meaning of long- range entanglement in such seriously quantum field-theoretical systems.

  1. adding missing section in book


    diff, v2, current

    • CommentRowNumber5.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeMay 27th 2022

    Thanks. Right, I had left out the more speculative Section 11.

    But string net models as such are really discussed in section 6. I have now added a link to string-net model there. The article which this points to currently remains what we call a “stub”. Please feel invited to edit and expand.